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Found 4 results

  1. In a attempt to help me haul around cargo while mining I have built a storage barge with Hovers and Vertical Atmospheric Thrusters. My issue is that even when I am not inputting my craft to go up the vertical thrusters activate and attempt to hold me at a certain altitude just like the hovers when I just want the to be off unless I input to them to output thrust. It is a complete waste of fuel to be hovering via engines and not hovers so my question is how do I go about fixing this issue or changing things on my vehicle to make this work other then removing the thrusters entirely. Any feedback is appreciated.
  2. Hi y'all! So recently, the controls for DU have been released : https://support.dualthegame.com/hc/en-us/articles/115002024353-Inputs Those controls obviously are for AZERTY type keyboard users, mainly in France or Europe I think. Are there pictures like this for the controls in QWERTY type keyboard? If so where can I find them? If there is no such picture, is there a simple way to translate the controls from AZERTY to QWERTY or do I have to go by trial and error in-game? Also, will there be an option in the launcher to transfer the keyboard type to QWERTY so the controls are in QWERTY? Thanks and have a good day!
  3. Hey so I want to apologize in case someone else has already brought this up or if information about this has already been said as I am rather new to learning about this game and such, however it would be absolutely brilliant in my opinion to have customizable cockpits. In the gameplay I have seen, there has been and insane amount of freedom you have to build your ship and the environment around you, but one thing I noticed is that the cockpits for ships seem to be pre-set, or at least a list of ones you can choose from. Now I could be wrong in saying that, but pretending I'm right, to me it would be amazing if there was more options for our cockpit. Our entire ship, and thus what we spend a great deal of the game in, and what very well might become a part of us, is completely build around our cockpit. We want to make it look appealing and sexy and of course the best space ship in the entire galaxy, but to do that would be impossible with an out of place cockpit. If we could have a great range of designs for them, not limited to the basic one as seen in the trailer. Such as flying saucer dome-like area that allow for 360 degree views just by moving your mouse, to perhaps not even symmetric ones such as the millennium falcon. There could be ones of every shape and size and perhaps even have customizable dimensions and such for the user to decide upon themselves. Even one that's just a glass ball barely held in place could make for an interesting concept. If this has already been thought of, then also one quick thing to add is that the inside of the cockpit is just as, if not more important than the outside. It's where the player will spend all the time piloting the ship (obviously) and it will be alot of what the player sees. To really immerse them I think it would be great to be able to choose where certain items were to go in the cockpit such as the gas and levers and random buttons and such to fly it, as well as gauges and meters and status screens. It would really make the player feel like it was his ship. Perhaps even have sort of like a mechwarrior feel to it where you can look around your cockpit freely as well as seeing yourself use the controls to your ship, even to the extent of getting out of your chair and walking around your ship if thats a possibility. I'm sorry for the such the long post but I feel like this would really add to the game. My apologies.
  4. Hello NQ Devs and Alpha enthusiasts! I have a few questions regarding game-play movement and control schemata. 1.) Is DU being developed from a "PC is King" perspective so that support for peripherals and technologies e.g., HOTAS, K+M, game-pads, VR (RIFT, VIVE etc.), positional tracking, multiple monitors, 4k, etc. are intended? 2.) Will camera controls include multiple angles, distances, etc. including 1st and 3rd person perspectives. 3.) Will multicrew ship systems have functionalities beyond "turret" or generic crew states? 4.) Can you please "PIN" or "sticky" devblog posts as this section will surely gain many new threads and searching for more "info" is here to stay. Cheers!
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