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  1. ABOUT US The Contractual Cooperative Peace Accord is a multi-organizational union that aims to provide a strong up-building environment for its partners while giving them the ability to retain full control over their sovereignty and freedom of choice, as well as providing options for political, territorial, and economic growth. In no such way will the CCPA interfere with a member organization’s laws or form of government. We also ensure the security of each of our members, by giving them the option to call upon the combined forces of every other member organization. We achieve this balance by having each member organization appoint a representative or representatives to be the voice for their specific organization. These representatives interact with other members in order to forge new, modify existing, or remove old policy. This is achieved by a simple voting system based around a simple majority vote. For more information feel free to check out our full document: CCPA Pact Briefing OUR STRUCTURE The CCPA structure was designed with efficiency in mind. There are only three ranks that are assignable. These ranks are described below: Representatives: The individuals who have this rank are chosen by their respective organization leaders. Their purpose is to voice their ideas and concerns, as well as guiding the development of the CCPA by proposing new, modifying existing, and removing old guidelines. Ultimately, they are the ones that shape the direction that the CCPA follows. Mediators: These are individuals assigned from the pool of representatives to serve in more of an administrative function; in that they are to manage the website, moderate the discord server, and assist the community as a whole. They are chosen by a majority vote by the council of representatives. Organization Leaders: These are individuals who lead organizations that are current members of the pact. Their purpose is to assign the representative or representatives that they want to voice the ideas and concerns of their organization. MISSION STATEMENT The CCPA’s whole purpose is to provide an environment that is safe from the influences of negative forces within the community that ultimately would hinder the development of our separate communities. We know that as a combined force, working together in unison, we will have more opportunities to build up or infrastructure, develop laws, build fleets, collect resources, and evolve our economies than if we tried to do so separately. Ultimately, the Contractual Cooperative Peace Accord objective is to combine our strengths, while using our specialized fields of operation to boost our individual weaknesses. We aim to provide an environment of peace, equality, and economic strength. In signing, you are ensuring your security, as well as others. It is our unity that will ultimately lead us to great things, however, none of this can be achieved without your support… HOW TO APPLY If you’re interested in becoming a member of the CCPA then it’s all you have to do is go to our website, or join our discord server. Once you have applied your application will be processed by one of our representatives in order to make sure everything is filled out correctly. If it is, then it will be passed on to a vote. The voting process takes up to three business days. If your organization is accepted into the CCPA you will receive a message from a mediator on how to proceed. If your organization is not accepted, a mediator will contact you and explain why your application was denied, and if there is anything you can do to correct your application. REFERENCES Our Community Page Our Website Our Discord Applications
  2. Contractual Corporate Peace Accords {CCPA} (For and during Alpha early awakening phase) This accord is brought forth onto the members of the ARK to bring a ceasefire during the period of early awakening "otherwise known as {Alpha}" so that the focus can be aimed toward the development of further features and or equipment. This accord asks that all participants refrain from the following actions during the allocated period of time: Active and Open War Declarations Any unwarranted KOS (Kill on Sight) activity Unwanted/Unwarranted Griefing against other items/constructs unless specific permission is received from the title holder and or owner. This agreement will be null/void on release of the second early awakening phase "otherwise known as {Beta}." During this period of second awakening any and all hostilities and or open testing of weapons systems will be permitted. "The purpose of this aforementioned pact is to ensure all parties involved in the early awakening phase "or {Alpha}" do not engage in any form of unwarranted hostile activity. Instead their time will be focused on participating in bug testing, conceptualization of new features that could be added into the game, and testing of game functions." By agreeing to this accord you accept and agree to the following: That this is an alpha and should be used/treated as a time to participate in the games development, not in hostile actions.
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