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Found 3 results

  1. Do you block anyone who says your opinion? Do you treat people who supported this game like that? Please explain on the forum for all players... why are you blocking my queries !!!!
  2. Hi! Can a programmed block attached to a ship scan the other blocks attached to it? For example a programmable block could behave in a certain way if some other block is also attached. Or just for calculating the size and shape of the ship so that an automated cannon doesn't fire at the ship itself. Or something, I think you get the idea. Bonus points if the block can also detect nearby but not attached blocks. Such as loose cargo or passengers. Cheers! - Finnboy11
  3. I'd like to create a list of all the elements, voxels, and mesh ideas we would all like to build with in-game that have not been mentioned by the devs yet. A short list of what I'd like to see follows. Artificial gravity voxels with diminishing returns based on how close you are to a natural gravity well. Voxels with "traction" that the character avatar "sticks" to so we can build moving platforms we won't slide off of. Diminishing returns based on how far you are from a gravity well. Voxels that can only be constructed in certain conditions such as an airless, high, or zero-g environment. (Could make certain shipyards more or less valuable and/or capable.) Voxels that can have different properties if certain conditions are met. (apply power and you increase mass for instance.) "Floating" component voxels. Functionality identical to other types but for aesthetics only. (See my forum portrait for an example.) Anyone else with ideas? I think this thread could be quite expansive.
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