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  1. I am really looking forward to the pre-alpha, but as an 8-year Eve Online veteran and almost 2 years of Space Engineers I have a few concerns/recommandations. I am curious how other people think about this, and if the devs said anything regarding these topics. My concerns are: Travel should be slow Large ships should be full of equipment Blueprint use should be limited. Let me explain :). Travel In Eve online you can go to the central trading hub (Jita) with a couple of carriers or jumpfreighters in less than an hour from anywhere in the 7500 systems. The introduction of cariers, jump freighters and jump beacon networks (over the years) killed off local trade hubs, and most of the deep space industry. Deep space / 0.0 is now mostly just used for (moon)mining and alliance wars. Trading is mostly limited to the center zone and the profit margins are so low most people do not bother. It also had the side-effect that empires got too big: it is so easy to have fast moving roving fleets cross the universe the empires got bigger and bigger. I miss the early years where you could set out with a group of friends, find yourself an empty solar-system and build yourselves a home. Those days are long gone in Eve-Online: you have to negotiate a rent from an empire, then mine your ass off paying that rent, or you sign up for endless grinding fleet service but never fight for your own home. (this is why I stopped with Eve-online a few years ago) To avoid this, travel should be slow: I think we should not have stargates in this game: that would make big empires too easy. People would just restrict their use to their own alliance to get a war advantage. I think 12 hours flying or so to the next solar-system is fine to start with (was mentioned in one of the videos). Maybe you can introduce a warp drive so that travel to moons and panets within a solarsystem is a bit quicker, but to the next solar system should take hours (at least 1 or 2 hours I would say, enough so that it is a real expedition, not just a little hop and back). This makes trade more viable, with better profit margins (you could even pay for getting your ship moved while you are offline?: dock it in a huge ship as in the Dune books for instance?) As long as all the basic building components can be found in each solar system there is no need for fast travel. Slow travel will create many local economies instead of one big one, give room for real exploring, make trade and local industry viable. It will make the universe feel big. It will also mean that many people from two sides of the universe will never meet, but I see that as a plus, not a problem. Big ships In Space engineers, when you build a really big battleship, it is mostly empty space: the power plants, oxygen plants, etc. take very little space. For the rest its an endless repeat of engines and guns, but they slap on on the outside. Inside it is mostly empty space. I do not like that. This way there is no real reason to build a big battleship other than the look: a smaller one is just as strong, and easier to armor. I would suggest that in DU the equipment should be BIG. And I would also suggest lots of supporting equipement. For Instance: say a large shield generator can be made stronger with one or more capaciters to handle peak loads, and they need 1 or more cooling systems so it overloads slower, they all need to be linked to a control unit to configure these settings, but they need to physically close to work. Then add that when a shield generator overloads, it explodes (seems very reasonable). This forces you to armor the room on the inside. Follow up with making the shield area it covers a limited sized disk, not a sphere. The effect will be that if you want a battleship to be shielded, you need a series of armored rooms full of equipment. Repeat this type of thing for large guns, engines, power supply, sensor arrays etc, and you get a naturally big ship. I think a large ship focused for battle should just have room for living quarters and a few small ship bays, but for the rest be full of equipment. (I am speculating stuff like this fits with the game engine, and should not take much performance as the supporting equipment can just be calculated through as improved stats for the shield module). A positive side effect is that large trading ships - that DO need lots of empty space - will always be more vulnerable than a battleship of the same size. Blueprints I like the blueprint idea to store and recreate your personal designs. But I think it is a bad idea to make mass production too easy (also an experiance from Eve online). In the end somebody will come up with an optimal design for a small scout, miner, fighter etc, and then everyone will just endlessly copy that design. I think we all want there to be lots of variations in ship design. Standards might still happen, but I think we can fight to keep diversity by limiting the blueprint functionality. One way of doing this would be to make the use difficult (as in Space Engineers you see the blueprint in space, and then have to slowly welt it together from the inside out: very hard to do for large blueprints). You could also make it so that you can reproduce your blueprint, but only 1 reproduced ship of the blueprint can exists in DU: that way you limit it to personal use as a sort of 'save game', but not stimulate mass production. Wat would be the dead of ship variation is the buying and selling of blueprints, I hope we do not get that. As I expect some wipes in the alpha and beta phases of the game the blueprint is a great help, but personally I hope that it is dropped when the game is out for real. Losing a ship should hurt, and not just for the materials: it should take time and effort to create a new one. This will limit piracy, because it makes piracy more time-consuming and harder to make profitable, and it will limit war: nobody is going to trow their hard-build ships away because an alliance leader has a temper tantrum. War will come when a group of people feel it is a just cause. Ok, so far the 3 topics running through my mind lately. How do others feel on these topics? Is this all old news and already sorted?
  2. Suddenly the internet does what it does best and spewed forth another theoretical means of space travel: Not only does it solve the gravity issue during space travel but also can reach anywhere in the known universe within a human lifetime. (The only slight niggle, a tiny flaw, is that you need vast quantities of fuel to do so. But let's ignore that for now.) So let's look at the Novarks journey: It took the Novark near on 10000 earth years to reach its destination (let's say 9967ish) So we take the space travel calculator outlined in the above video and plug in (9967 / 2) 4983.5 years in the place that used to be earth. http://nathangeffen.webfactional.com/spacetravel/spacetravel.php Why half you ask? Because this is half the equation: accelerate to near light speed and at halfway point start decelerating. Take any answers and multiply by 2 and we have the full trip. From this a few interesting things crop up: It takes around 33 years to travel to Alioth. At least it seems that way for those onboard the Novark if they were awake. Cryopods would be useful for saving food, but a human (provided they had enough sustenance) would easy live long enough to see the end of this journey in a comfortable 1G. The distance traveled is around 3 kpc (kilo-parsecs). Around 9963 light years. Why is the second point interesting? We know the Novark headed off vaguely towards the Scutum-Centaurus arm of the Milky Way Galaxy. The closest point of the arm is towards the center of the galaxy. So like no man before us we head in that direction. And if we look for a point of interest in that direction at around 3 kpc we find a globular cluster of stars known as Messier 22 (M22) Alioth could be somewhere in there... Or not. Space is very big after all. At least now we know that the trick to near light speed travel is a very efficient fuel source. P.S. A similar observation as far as distance goes was observed here: Though my solution was by far the messier.
  3. A note to the untrained reader: This following post contains mathmatically caluclations of the DU lore. A note to the trained reader: This following post probably contains glaring and stupid mathmatical errors. I saw a post on the fourms a while back about the distance of Allioth, though it was based on mere speculation. But, if you look at the official lore, it gives us some details about Novark's travel to Allioth that we can make caluclations from. Travel Time: The Arkships leave between 2510 and 2536. While we are given that the Novark is the 17th Arkship to leave Earth (1), we are not given how many ships in total were launched. So, we will assume a launch date of 2523, in the middle of the 2 dates. So the travel time is 12477-2523=9954 years The Arkships are relativistic vessles, going at past 0.99c (2). I also will make some assumptions, most noteably that the ships are accelrating at 1 gee, or 9.81m/s^2 and that the ship will reach a max velocity of exactly 99.5% c. But since we are dealing with relativistic velocities, we are going to have to take relativity into account. Of course, I could keep rambling about this and lay out my calulcations. But I'm too lazy and I remembered there are calulcators online dedicated to solving this kinds of problems. I used this one: http://gregsspacecalculations.blogspot.com/2014/11/relativistic-rocket-calculator.html and got resaults of this: http://gregsspacecalculations.blogspot.com/p/blog-page.html?a=9.80665&b=91542242.45978841&c=313515239106.8169 Some key information: The total distance travelled would be 9902.4861 light years The Lore Bible also says the Novark travelled towards the Scutum-Centaurus Arm, so Allioth would be around here: https://imgur.com/KOeebti This might have some problems with the Galactic Habitable Zone. (Light Green is the Scutum-Centaurus Arm, Dark Green is roughly where Allioth is located at) How do I make the images show on the post itself?. Assuming we use anti-matter fuel and our exhaust is coherent gamma rays, we are going to need 398 kilograms of propellent per kilogram of ship. The portion of the ship that we will actually be able to see probably is the small payload section and the massive engines and the propellent storage being ditched. The 15 years between the launch date and SKiD will give some dozen light years of breathing room. Not sure if that is enough though. However, the ships that are launched later may have some problems escaping the supernova caused by SKiD. Good researchers cite their sources. Source 1 Source 2.
  4. I heard that the planet distances are going to be a good 2 days apart in real time, so rather than setting your ship on auto pilot and logging on every 48 hours till you find a good planet to settle on could there be an FTL (Faster Than Light) drive or something like that? So rather than getting the first 15 seconds of this video, we get what is in the last 5 seconds?
  5. Hello all DU Community Members! So I have been reading and watching lots of things, trying to make sure I am up to date before I ask any questions, and I have come to a point where I realize that I can't quite find a respective answer or possible solution to a problem which I see to be quite a big one... The Problem.. I hope.. So as far as I know, when abroad a vessel / moving voxel construct, you are completely fine when online, you can edit the ship, do whatever you want, and you can just travel along whilst your vessel goes from Point A ------> Point B. That is all very awesome and quite clearly something that would be needed in the game for an immersive experience. However from what I have read, if you were to Log Off from the DU service, if your vessel was still moving, your body will have saved its location where it was when you logged off, and upon re-logging in at a later date (for example say 1 day) you will find that your vessel has moved on for 1 Days worth of travel time (provided it had the energy and it encountered no problems etc.) and your body has logged in where it was 1 Day ago. This for me is a problem, and also the fact, that in my mind at least, a truly immersive experience would allow you to log off, let your ship keep drifting / moving onward, and then come back and perhaps you have reached your destination. Clarification So, to clarify my point in simpler terms.. - Is it true that logging off saves your location in the universe as a X,Y,Z Coordinate as opposed to saving it on board your voxel construct? (from what I can tell from videos and wiki pages, as well as what makes sense in my own mind) - Or does it work some other way? If I am indeed correct in my presumption, might I ask if there is any known way, or if there will be anyway of logging off on board a moving construct, and upon re-logging you find you are still on your construct? Possible Solution My suggestion to this problem would be something as simple as making it possible to log off inside of the control unit element (In my opinion this ones seems a little wrong), or something like a Stasis/Cryo Pod Element. Upon entering the Stasis Pod, you are making your player coordinates dynamic, instead of static, and thus when re-logging into the game, you awake still as a dynamic set of coordinate mappings, and you would have to leave the stasis pod to return to being static (normal playing mode again). Scenario The Stasis Pod idea imo, opens up a new world of game play too! Imagine being able to hunt down a ship trying to make a flee from a system, the player is offline, in his/her stasis pod, and has no idea they are about to have their vessel attacked. The enemy ship could blast a hole in the ship, match its speed and attempt to board it. They find the accused system fleeing victim in their stasis pod. Instead of killing them in their sleep, you detach the stasis pod from their ship and move it on board your own ship, taking them back to some galactic authority so that they may face whatever charges they deserve when they log back in. Of course that is a scenario that I'm not too sure how it will entirely play out, but it seems cool. Why I Want It So I see space travel as a serious endeavor to take unto yourself. And whilst there will be massive corporations that will spend many days and weeks researching new tech, some people, maybe even myself, will consider the slower route. Say for example I wish to make a sub-light speed ship, slow, but capable of reaching a desirable solar system. However the catch is it will take me 2 real weeks to get to the closest system. So I build a ship, fill it with some supplies, basic living needs and off I go. I would come on to the server when I can, do some research on board my ship whilst traveling, but I would like to jump in my Stasis Pod when I log off so that I may keep going on my 2 week mission to find these new worlds. I would love that. Conclusion So in conclusion.. I hope I wasn't wrong about why I started this topic, otherwise I spent a bunch of time writing a pointless post And I wasted your time.. so I am sorry about that.. Otherwise, thanks for reading and I would love to hear any thoughts and opinions! Thanks! - Sullos
  6. As seen in other games such as space engineers, there are multiple types of propulsion. These range from atmospheric (electric jets) to hydrogen (gas fuel) and ion (energy only). This being a game largely about getting up and out to space, what thrust types are there and would we need fuel for each of these thrusts and will there be some form of aerodynamics like drag and lift/ wings. Improvised thrust is also there such as using artificial gravity and artificial mass to create a self-propelled mechanism. Thoughts?
  7. I'm posting this in this subforum because it felt like a more appropriate place than the Mechanics subforum, if only because Hyperspace isn't something I've seen mentioned by the devs. We know from NQ that (borrowing an old quote Saffi's thread here https://board.dualthegame.com/index.php?/topic/304-scrub-stargate-and-transportation-questions/): - FTL Travel will be the hard and slow way to explore other solar systems. It will be difficult because complex logistics will be needed to make the travel worth it. In fact, we expect FTL Travel to be most likely used to go to an adjacent unexplored solar system, and build a Stargate. Based on that summary of what we know so far, I'd like to discuss idea of Hyperspace travel between Stargates. One can presume, based on that summary, that the expected outcome of using a Stargate would be instantaneous travel between two locations in space. However instead of an instant warp between two locations, I think it would be more intriguing if Stargates operated more as interstellar highways where travel between two points was faster than simply using FTL but still not instantaneous. Similar to how it took several minutes for the crew to travel through the wormhole in Interstellar: The ingame reasoning for this could be that there is simply not a way to completely bend space to have two points touch each other, that space could only be bent so far. Or that there is just not way to produce that much negative energy. I think this can be best illustrated with this diagram of a wormhole: Wherein point A and B do not explicitly touch each other, but there is a "throat" distance between the two points. This "throat" could be described as "hyperspace". I'm imagining the hyperspace gates from Cowboy Bebop, specifically from the "Gateway Shuffle" episode. Where entering a gate would put you on a narrow fast lane through space, but leaving that fast lane safely and accurately (explained below) requires the existence of an exit gate. Flying through hyperspace wouldn't make you immune to attack, and you would have to navigate carefully through the path, as leaving it could cause massive damage to your ship and leave you stranded in unexplored space, millions of lightyears from the nearest inhabited solar system. A journey through hyperspace between two gates would only be a few minutes, as opposed to the hours/days of travel with FTL. This clip from Star Trek Into Darkness visually illustrates what I think leaving hyperspace would look like, although I know they're not travelling in hyperspace in Star Trek but I don't want to get into the semantics of the Star Trek universe: That clip also brings up another detail that I'd like to see if this were implemented, combat while in hyperspace. I think that ships should still be able to fire on one another while in hyperspace. Although perhaps the mechanics of combat while in hyperspace should be modified to account for the different type of combat environment vs real space. ie, laser shots being bent because of the immense pull of gravity? Stargates would probably be incredibly difficult to destroy, so there wouldn't be a very big chance of getting stuck in hyperspace because of a group of pirates shooting at your exit gate. But they shouldn't be impossible destroy, so that a sufficiently large fleet could take one on. There could also be a mechanic that allows for different sized stargates, or stargates that prohibit specific ship types or sizes from passing through. The diameter of a stargate could also determine the size of its hyperspace lane. I have more to say about the topic of stargates, but I'd like to see what others think about this first.
  8. In another thread this was suggested by NovaQuark - FTL Travel will be the hard and slow way to explore other solar systems. It will be difficult because complex logistics will be needed to make the travel worth it. In fact, we expect FTL Travel to be most likely used to go to an adjacent unexplored solar system, and build a Stargate... So this makes me question, out of fear, because in EVE of the two things that bother me most. 1.) Movement controls are not intuitive and done almost entirely with most clicks and very tiny and thin menus that you have to precisely navigate. 2.) jumping hundreds of times all over the place, causing cpu and gpu to load and load and load Zones. If players are going to be laying out Stargate networks. Will it be possible to create gates that traverse large amounts of space and not just system to system. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 If each number is a system. Can I make a gate from say System 1 to system 8. or do i have to make Six worthless jumps to arrive at the destination system. Also, I have been holding onto this idea for a while, would it be possible for Guilds to create a public transit network? By any means, Im sure this wont be valid but my idea was That guilds could be allowed to create special transport ships at space-stations, a ship commanded by a NPC-Drone, and the NPC being given some specific input requirements, or custom designed tags or.. something. Home Destination, Target Destination, Waiting Time before departing, Boarding Fee.
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