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To have a somewhat imersive experience in Dual Universe we definitely need to see cities. But why exactly would people create cities in DU if just use a vast amount of resources without any real benefit except for showing off? Normally city planning depends on a lot of different factors, like the environment, available resources, especially food, the condition of the ground, expected industries etc. Those are mostly things that wont work in DU. On the other hand, building cities in DU has quite a lot of disadvantages, like being target for raiders, warmongers or just griefplayers. So without any real benefit or need to create cities we will at most have very few large organization building and maintaining a city as HQ and maybe one or two trading hubs. Mostly we'll see well hidden factories and bases which are statistically placed across the planets with nearly no clustering. There are two possible ways to facilitate cities. One is giving artificial benefits like production bonus or similar things, i wont advocate that as it is unrealistic and just shows a lack of creativity in the game design. The second way is giving realistic incentives. The only incentives that work on larger scales in a mmorpg are economic or security benefits or needs. Social or educational facilities can be mostly ignored (there could be University-Type elements that increase the speed of accumulating xp for the first 20% or something of the skilltree, with which organizations can cater to new players, but that wont be a real incentive for creating a city). In my mind there are three mechanics which would directly create the need for clustering buildings on a small area: 1. Powergrid The first suggestion is, that all functional elements (Doors, electronics etc.) require electricity. Standard, small sized elements would need a marginal amount of power so, that a small generator that can easily be installed in every ship/building is sufficient to support them. More advanced facilities like factories, Elements with strong supporting effects (something like the University for example, or greenhouses), military elements (planetary turrets, shields, sensor units ...) however should have an exponential increase of the power required. Factory units for example should require enough power, that no stacking of small generators can support them. To support those power hungry elements players can build power plant elements which are extremely large on scale, like 64³m³. They would support buildings within a certain radius with a set amount of power and to increase that radius you could create power-relay stations. What does this do for city building? If players want to run a factory or other facilities they need to create a power plant. If a single power plant generates enough electricity to support several factories, then the economic way of action would be creating enough factories within the vicinity of a power plant to effectively use the generated power. A large cluster of factories in turn needs military protection as it is a nice target for raiders, thus we have some kind of city growth. At the same time owners of those power plants could rent space in the effective radius for players which can afford to create a factory, but not the required power plant. This can be extended to every kind of large scale element which would be nice to have in a city, for example if we want a space port in the city. The simplest way would be to just create some flat areas for ships to land on. But what about quality of life services like refuelling or rearing constructs? Those actions can take ages. If we had large scale elements like a repair Dock, which repairs damaged ships in the vicinity if activated or refuelling stations, those can save a lot of time to players. Elements like that would also require a lot of power, thus the need for a power plant in the vicinity. In short, if every advanced element has a big size and a large power requirement, coupled with the need of power plants, we would by default see clusters of buildings which can be called cities. 2. Resources We can see in some videos how the ground is removed with a tool, its fast, efficient and effortless. if we can mine resources in this way, then DU players will be like a big locust swarm, run across the surface of a planet, scanning and within hours mining all interesting resources. But a big influence on city-building is the need to create a permanent structure in specific places, thus mining resources should definitely not be near-instant. Optimally mining out a big underground ore vein should take years if done by hand or several months when done with elements for mining. If we have long term mining then locations get a certain economic and strategic importance. If an organization finds a large vein of a rare metal it can't just mine it and go away, it has to defend this place against other players. Thus they need to create defensive structures, which again need power plants. If you have defensive structures and power plants on a mining base and some power surplus due to it then its economic to just continue and create the needed refinery elements etc. too, which in turn leads to clusters of buildings again. 3. Dependencies Similar as all functional elements require electricity there can be other dependencies which make it necessary to create several constructs at the same place. In the new content update we learn about market Bots, where resources can be sold for quanta and elements can be bought (probably very limited after crafting is implemented, but maybe some of the most basic elements can still be bought). Those Quanta and elements aren't created from void and the sold resources can't spontaneously vanish. So if someone wants to place market bots in his base, it would make sense to require a trading hub element in the vicinity. There are quite some heavy industries which are dependent on water as coolant, so some refinery elements could actually need water purification plants in the area, the same plants could be used to support greenhouses or other buildings with water. If several buildings depend on each other there is a huge potential to incline people to gather together and create cities. Especially as everyone has a limited amount of cores available. ######## I really think that those three points are absolutely necessary for a good experience in DU and will lead to some pretty interesting results.
Name: The Church of the Holy Wreck AKA: "The Wreckers", "Oh Heck, those Guys" Type: social group, PVP, Roleplay, Pirates, "non practicing believers" Membership: open and non exclusive Timezone: Open Language: English, but other language Branches welcome Website: under construction Discord: under construction Tenets of the Church of the Holy Wreck Wrecks are sacred. Make as many as you can. The Steel hungers. NQ staff are the Angelic crew of the Holy Wreck, and are there to help when you lose your ship. (After PVP is introduced) Join in Holy battle once or month (or more regularly) at the sacred Wrecking grounds. You don't have to come to all of them but you should try to make some of them. The Sacred Battleground will be designated once we know where the safe zones aren't. Try to convert others to the Holy Wreck or into holy wrecks, whatever is easier. Souls who flee Blessed combat are weak and their craft is not worth emulating the Holy Wreck. Traders may pay a penance to avoid their souls burning amid the steel. W! Greetings, my fellow Star Souls. (Makes the sign of the Wreck by describing a w shape denoting a ship bouncing off a planet followed by a closed fist opening indicating an explosion. W! is the text of this.) I am here to tell you about the Holy Wreck that crashed to save our souls and free us from our skins. Blessed be the Holy Wreck! W! The Wreck careth not about your base connections to other orgs, for the burning steel of the saviour loves all that lie in its screaming trajectory of peace. All the Wreck asks is that you recognise it has your one true God and you, from time to time, come and join us for family picnics, charity work and heretic burning. Being a forward looking Church, we have created several heresies for you to belong to, in case you are struggling to feel the dread love of impact. Each last Sunday of every Month, after Holy PVP has been instituted, Mother Church and the Heretics will meet at the Sacred Battleground to create Holy Ruin and litter the ground with our offerings of blood and ships. It's basically a free for all, demolition derby battle, (if only two sides show up it will be a miracle w!). Come and hone your combat skills in ships you don't mind losing. The only stipulation is that you leave at least one ship wreck behind on the battle field. The Official Heresies include; The Explodists: wicked folk who make the explosion symbol before describing the W. Their symbol is !W. The Graviticists: these infidels believe the important part of the faith is the gravity that caused the Wreck to hit Alioth. G! The Mechandrites: these philosophically feeble upstarts believe they are honouring the Holy Wreck by repairing the ships of strangers to ensure the Holy Wreck is the only wreck. Madness! M! The Wanderer Cult:. Thus frankly insane sect believes the holy Wreck bounced off Alioth and wanders the Galaxy looking for souls to crew it! W. Feel free to make your own cult, or stick to the Orthodoxy. It doesn't matter. The Holy Wreck knows all Star Souls and loves you all, even if you are burning on a stake. From time to time there will be an Holy Crusade where we convert non believers into wrecklets. Practically, this means we may decide to join in the wars of others on either side, or both. Donations to our Orphans and widow fund may sway us to one side or the other.
city Tranquility, the ever moving City in space
Aaron Cain posted a topic in Org Updates & Announcements
At Tranquility we build the Future, we reshape the city as we see fit and we build friendships The city houses residents, diplomats, shopping centrals, broadcasting networks, bars, casino's, crafting and large manufacturing facilities, repair and construct docks and much more. At this moment Tranquility is running a new program to help smaller organizations to grow, build their dreams and stay Fully Independent. All the organizations residing on Tranquility can be in this program, if they want to be in it. We help you grow, get organized, bring contacts, time zone staff, 24-7 security. Tranquility Security is backed by the FMA, several defense contracts and Non-Aggression-Pacs. Last month we saw the first addition of our Lore published by Outpost Zebra, Thank you for making this possible! We would love to share it and it can be found at: Tranquility Lore Published on Outpost Zebra Other news is the Founding of C.A.T.S and the bright future we will build together, becoming a resident does not automatically make you a C.A.T.S. Member. Becoming a C.A.T.S member is voluntary and not mandatory for Tranquility Residents and this way we do not interfere your other Organizations For those of you who are still looking for a nice place to live that does not interfere with your other Organizations Or alliances we still have room in Tranquility. Every individual that is member of the City Tranquility is a resident. All facilities are open for use for all residents, all Tranquility Docks and rooms are open for residents. A Resident will be offered a small room and a place to park a small cored ship. In the restoration period of Tranquility the materials for building this room and park-spot are the residents responsibility. In time Tranquility offers fully build rooms and parking spots for free. The opportunity to build your own room in space is there. For organizations that also want a district like the ones we already gave out feel free to contact us. Having a district or space-base docked to Tranquility does not automatically make you a C.A.T.S member. Tranquility is independent, neutral, unbiased and hoping to work together with you all to become the largest Social shaped Space bound City. For any questions contact Aaron Cain on discord -
"If I had to take hell, I would use the Australians to take it and the New Zealanders to hold it." ~ Erwin Rommel. The oldest Australiasian group in the game, the Anzaki are a casual social (for now - strange things can happen once you get a bunch of us in a room...) group for finding other Aussies and Kiwi players. The Anzaki is a cultural organisation for Australian and New Zealand players, or for those rare players with characters from an Australian / New Zealand background that the AU/NZ player base adopts as a blow in. In the Dual Universe setting, the Anzaki are the heterogeneous (that's multi-cultural) descendents of Australian and New Zealand military forces who were genetically altered to become effectively fearless super soldiers after the fall of those two countries to passive invaders. There is in game background if you like to RP, but really it's about giving a non-org/non-political place for Australian, Kiwi and ANZ fanz (or RP character types) to hang out, find temporary groups, some recruitment and all that. (There will be an in-game pub as well.) It doesn't matter if you're in another group or not - this is like automatic membership at your local RSL. Just apply in game (search the [anza] tag) , let us know roughly where you are from etc, and it's that simple - you'll be added to the group. The only rule - don't be a s#$%c^%t. You can also find us on Discord at
- australia
- new zealand
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As Discord is a large part of the community, I felt that I need to shed some light on a new feature Discord introduced for game integration. This would be, if implemented in a non-intrusive manner, a great addition to the social aspect of Dual Universe. Since over 90% of organizations are heavy discord users. :miniSnek: - Dxeo
Should Dual Universe be media as well? (Similar to Facebook, Twitter, ect. But OBVIOUSLY keep the game) Let's Discuss. Twerkmotor is probably going to bring out very good points so in advance: No u.
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Per a request, I am moving this idea over to the "Idea Box", which makes a great deal of sense and probably why I didn't think of it! I believe it would be an excellent idea to have a prop, or a setting, for someone that "owns" an area to be able to connect to an outside URL for music streams. It could also work for video, but in a voxel world I am thinking that would create a lagfest, but I do not know for certain. An audio or video stream is going to be limited by the streams quality--64 kbps or 128 kbps--anyway, but I have not worked with the video side very much. What this would allow is for Clubs, Bars, Cantinas, Dives, Social Areas, to pipe in whatever music they wish. For those who know DJs with their own streams--those DJs can have live shows during the week. It also opens up things like theme parties, and the like. For those unfamiliar with the possibilities, you can go to That is a radio station for people in The Secret World with multiple DJs and themes. The only thing TSW doesn't have is the in game ability since there is no "building" there and only common areas--so the streams are accessed outside the game itself. It is just not the same experience as "in game" music. There is nothing quite like walking into a place in a virtual world and having it have its own flavor of sound. Music is a common denominator for many and can be a focal point for many people's interaction in a game.