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  1. Look up "Thaumcraft 4 research" and "Thaumonomicon" for reference. Tech tree examples ^ In Thaumcraft you have a 'tech tree' and in this you can unlock various recipes for items (eg. schematics in DU). In this tech tree it gives a relatively defined path, however, sometimes the triggers to research steps are not clear. The user must unlock precursor items and precursor research point types, or trigger certain events to progress to the next step on the tree. However, the best part about this tree is when you click on an element on the tree there is usually a detailed description of the item (not just the item's tool tip description). There is also a research table where you can scan various blocks (elements, voxels, honeycomb, and terrain decor in DU's case) for these research points of various types (ex. Terra, Lux, Aqua, etc.), which you can use in the research table to make patterns in a puzzle to unlock the recipe of an item. In DU's case this would translate to getting a schematic in return. Now, this could replace the need to sell schematics by bots, because the required stuff to make these researches could be engineered to only found after exploration (and prospecting). Left: List of various research point variants that the user can use for the research puzzle. Right: The research puzzle itself, the pre-existing "nodes" must all be connected to each other in some way complete the puzzle. These research points in Thaumcraft can be combined, and all but the most elemental are a form of 'recipe tree', where they are made by, or make other research point types. These research points connect in the puzzle to other research points that they either are made of 1 tier down, or make 1 tier up. To scan there'd probably be talents related to it, as well as a tool to scan the various objects. Items could be further investigated by actually putting them into the table. All items/objects should be scannable (to return some research points). How to replicate a schematic once you "unlock" it at this table? The best way to enrich the replication of schematics is to add a new layer of depth to item scanning. Once you unlock certain parts of the tech tree, it should be possible to re-scan various elements (without telling the player what changed, after all, it's research). The player could then re-play the puzzle mini-game to attain more schematics. This should naturally create a limit on the amount of schematics possible by an individual, due to this budgeting. Lastly, the research table "puzzle", unlike Thaumcraft, is fundamentally random to some extent. The player will always be presented with the same "research stems" in the puzzle, however, their positions are entirely random, unlike the original, making the replay-ability much higher.
  2. INFINITY CORPORATION ABOUT Infinity Corporation is a combat strategy and research organization specializing in offensive and defensive design, tactics, and AI. We are funded and supported by a real-world technology corporation in the U.S. RECRUITMENT We are currently looking for LUA coders, engineers, and pilots of all skill level, play style, and availability. https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/infinity-corporation DISCORD https://discord.gg/4qgpaJc WEBSITE http://www.infinitycorporation.org/
  3. some help NQ to develop a better way for the game to be player driven game play, so here it is. add a industry unit that does research of schematics, it does not require any resources only time like the talent tree. this idea will allow players to sell schematics and the market will flow between players rather than getting suck into NQ wallet which doesnt get used, because the ore is only getting used to sell to the bots you have and not for building anything by players which is destroying the game. it was a great idea at the time but now you are still losing players every day. back to the research unit, place the schematic for the unit itself on the market so people can buy and build it, allow the unit to see all the schematics available so players can choose to use the schematics or sell them to other players, that way the in game money circulates. allow players to have multiple of these so they can research different things they want to build or sell. obviously have different time scales for each schematic that it can make. Finally the last point and most important point is this allows for NQ to add new items to the game without having to put the new item on all planets and markets for a price, you just add it to the units list of schematics and the players will start researching it.
  4. Hello Noveans! I'm quite new to the game itself and MMOs too, but something that definitely caught my attention was how the Industry is pretty much blocked for new players. Even when getting smaller/starter machinery, you just can't go on and start progressing, or even refining/crafting things that are possible using the Nanocrafter. But yeah, there's the question of balancing stuff, as it would be ideal to people having specialized factories for goods, plus not getting to endgame too early, so I was thinking of creating some sort of mechanic like a Research menu, where one can select an item from their inventory and start researching it. The original item would be consumed and maybe some extra thing could be required for this too (maybe research points, just like talent points), and after some time the research would end and we get an schematic of that item. That schematic then could be sold on the market or used on industry, whatever fits the player better. Doing so would reduce the need of bots selling schematics and would allow players to have an alternative way of getting schematics. One looking for a quick way could go on and buy the schematics from bots or other players, while other could chose to buy the item itself and spend some time researching it (if they don't have enough talent points). This also keeps the balancing that Schematics brought to the game, as they will still be something hard to obtain, but not so hard that the only way to get them is paying a very high price. Other possible thing on this is having a Tech Tree that works just like Talents, where one can queue up items to be researched, but with all the required parts and steps being required to be researched first. This would have no cost to the player itself in terms of having to buy the item first, but would require an extended period of time to have things researched, so we're exchanging time for money pretty much. That way one could also get basic industry Schematics while just investing time to queue them up... What do you guys think?
  5. Hello, Thanks for reading! I would like to announce the creation of a chapter of Signal Cartel in Dual Universe. We are an organization dedicated to exploration, research and provision of services related to (interstellar) travel, wormholes and (ancient) sites as they are found. We believe in non aggression and will always make an effort of evading non-friendly engagement . If need be or when aggressed however, we can and will defend with the full force of our support backbone. Like minded agents willing to join us are more than welcome to apply while we prepare and st up operations. Organizations willing to support our Credo and co-operate or provide services as welcome and encouraged to contact us through our organization page. I'd be happy to answer your question if you have any! Regards, Blazemonger
  6. [FR] Entreprise en Recherche & Développement Penrose Laboratories est une entreprise en Recherche & Développement ayant pour objectifs de tester les concepts et réaliser les projets les plus audacieux de Dual Universe, ainsi que d'offrir à tous la chance et l'opportunité de réaliser et construire ses projets. Origines : Le nom de notre organisation a pour origine les figures géométriques impossibles conçues par le mathématicien Roger Penrose dans les années 50. Ces objets impossibles sont des représentations de constructions fictives d'objets contraires aux lois physiques connues de la nature. C'est là toute la philosophie de organisation : chercher à atteindre les limites du jeu ! Notre structure : Nous comptons aujourd'hui une trentaine de membres et préparons le terrain pour la release de Dual Universe. La plupart de nos membres sont ingénieurs de profession et nous serions fiers de partager nos connaissances, comme d'apprendre des nouveaux membres et d'aider tous les joueurs francophones souhaitant développer leur propre projet ! Notre organisation, membre de l'alliance Band Of Outlaws [BOO], est une communauté de joueurs francophones curieux et désireux de repousser chaque jour les limites autant spatiales que technologiques et scientifiques. En plus d'une section dédiée à la protection de nos réalisations (PvP), l'organisation est aujourd'hui divisée en plusieurs groupes de projets dont les principaux sont : - Nomade : exploration des confins de l'univers, - Acheron : résurrection des épaves de vaisseaux, - Minautore : Optimisation et recherche sur les méthodes de minage et raffinage de minerais, - Arketype Wolf : Groupe PvP spécialisé dans l'escorte de cargo et recherche de nouvelles méthodes de combat, - Plusieurs projets à membre unique, A vous de compléter la liste en proposant vos projets sur notre discord ! Nos deux plus gros projets Acheron et Nomade nous serviront plus tard à générer des revenues et ressources de base servant à financer le développement de tous les autres groupes de projets. Objectifs : En plus d'essayer de repousser chaque jour les limites de Dual Universe, notre but est de développer chaque projet jusqu'à ce qu'il soit financièrement indépendant. Un projet sera considéré comme réussit s'il génère plus de recettes que de dépenses ! Notre priorité suit la philosophie de BOO : le fun, le fun et les memes ! Nous ne nous prenons pas au sérieux mais les résultats sont là Philosophie : Notre philosophie se résume à la recherche et développement de techniques et constructions toutes plus folles que les autres ! Nous cherchons avant tout à nous démarquer du lot en essayant de proposer des projets innovants. Avec nous pas de problème d'éthique ! Nous disposons d'une large quantité de cobayes à utiliser pour diverses expériences scientifiques. Notre proverbe est "Qui veut la fin, veut les moyens" ! Recrutement : Le recrutement est aujourd'hui ouvert à tous les francophones de plus de 18 ans (ou sur recommandation). Avoir l'esprit ouvert et l'esprit d'équipe (ainsi que beaucoup d'esprits...) est un pré-requis pour rejoindre l'organisation. Si vous avez un doute, que vous êtes intéressés ou que vous avez des questions, rejoignez-nous sur notre discord : https://discord.gg/MsgrB3C ! Et voici le lien de notre page : https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/penrose-laboratories-recherche-tech-science-french _____________________________________________ [EN] About us : Penrose Laboratories is a R&D company seeking to reach the most audacious goals in Dual Universe, as well as giving to all the chance and opportunity to achieve and build their projects. Our organization, member of the Band Of Outlaws [BOO] alliance, is a community of french-speakers curious and eager to push the limits of space and science. Besides having a section specialized in defending our constructs, we also have several project groups : - Nomade : exploration of the universe project, - Acheron : ships' resurrection project, - Minautore : mining project, - Arketype Wolf : Pvp project, Come to our discord if you have any question or interested in founding one of our projects https://discord.gg/MsgrB3C !
  7. Greetings! So, you are propably wondering who we are! Well, we are an organisation that designs and constructs ships and sells them. But we do more that only that! Shis need materials, and so we always search and exploit new ressources. We also provide millitary services (AKA mercenaries) to our clients. And of course we will protect ourselves and our clients when needed. What else do we do? LOTS of things! Just peek into our discord and ask away! WE ARE ALWYAS ACCEPTING NEW MEMBERS; REGARDLESS OF INGAME EXPERIENCE! WE NEED YOU! ALSO VISIT OUR WEBSITE!
  8. CHROMION INDUSTRIAL Credit to Aetherios/Infinity for the artwork above During the late pre-Arkship era, an organization rose up to challenge the UN's selection process for the Arkship Program. This organization is known as the Cinderfall Syndicate. Within the Syndicate, there were a few members who branched off into another direction: Industry. With a new goal, these men and women founded Chromion Industrial in hopes of advancing human technology. A SUMMARY Chromion Industrial is a Corporation with an emphasis on Mining and Engineering. We recognize the importance of freedom and creativity, and are looking for creative minds who think outside the box. It should be noted that we are members of Cinderfall Syndicate, and we will respect their authority on political matters. The only requirement to join is that you must be polite. STRUCTURE This corporation has one leader, the Head Director, and below that person, it is structured into three Divisions: MINING DIVISION The Mining Division is in charge of acquiring, refining, and distributing raw materials. This will be led by a Mining Director and two Assistant Mining Directors. The lower command structure of this Division will be determined in the near future. Mining Director- This person is responsible for handling all mining, refining, and distribution of raw materials Assistant Mining Directors- These persons are responsible for the individual aspects of the Mining Division (Mining, Refining, and Distributing) RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION The R&D Division is in charge of manufacturing and producing parts and ships, as well as researching new technologies. This Division will be led by three area directors; The Director of Production, The Director of Research, and The Director of Special Projects; the lower command structure of the individual branches will be completed in the near future. Director of Production- This person's job is to handle the mass production of Chromion Industrial's ships, vehicles, and parts. Director of Research- This person's job is to handle the research of new technologies within Chromion Industrial Director or Special Projects- This person's job is to handle any special orders from specific Organizations, and the research regarding them, should it not already be complete. CHROMION INDUSTRIAL NAVY (CIN) Chromion Industrial offers a place for those who would like to spend their time fighting as well. The Chromion Industrial Navy will be tasked with protecting the members of Chromion Industrial and hunting down any who would attack us. This Division will be led by a Commander and a Lieutenant Commander. The lower command structure of this Division will be left up to these two positions. Commander- Leader of all Chromion Industrial Navy (CIN) forces Lieutenant Commander- assists the Commander in his or her duties SHIPBUILDING Chromion Industrial sponsors it's members ship building efforts. What does that mean? Any ship that a Chromion Industrial member designed will be featured in Chromion Industrial markets, if that member wants them to be featured. In exchange for being featured, Chromion will enact a 60/40 profit ratio: Chromion keeping 40% of the profit, the designer keeping 60% There will be a line/brand of ships that are Chromion Industrial make, meaning they are designs created and produced specifically as Chromion Industrial ships, and not designed by a second party, i.e. Individual Members of Chromion Industrial. Every month or so, the R&D department as a collective will be given the task of designing such ships. Occasionally, CI might petition one of it's members to add one of their ship designs to this line, basically buying the design from said member. FUNDS There is no base salary as of yet, however every member of Chromion Industrial will receive a weekly salary. The Directors of each Division will be paid by the Head Director. Each Division will receive a budgeted amount of credits every week, and it is the responsibility of the Directors to distribute some of these funds to each member of their Division at the beginning of each week as their salary. In addition to your base salary, certain accomplishments within the organization will grant you pay bonuses. If a player remains with Chromion Industrial for a particular amount of time, they will be eligible for a raise to their base salary. They will also be eligible for discounts on ships and items produced by Chromion Industrial. Note: If you are offline/not doing your job for an entire week, you will not receive salary for that week, rather than being let go by the organization. DISPUTES Internal Disputes between members will be handled by their respective Division Directors. The Division Directors' say is final on any matters. If any Directors have a dispute with one another, the Head Director will handle it. The Head Director's say is final on any matters. DIRECTOR POSITIONS The current list of Director Positions: Head Director~ Halo381 Mining Director~ Assistant Mining Director~ Assistant Mining Director~ Director of Production~ Director of Research~ Director of Special Projects~ Commander of Security Forces~ Commander Trailblazer Lieutenant Commander of Security Forces~ CINDERFALL SYNDICATE Chromion Industrial is a member of the Cinderfall Syndicate. As a member of the Cinderfall Syndicate, we are apart of a coalition of nations and corporations. As such, we have allies we can count on to help us in times of need; be it to complete a difficult research project or to defend our institutions. As members, we offer the same camaraderie to our allies, and we will not tolerate undue hostilities between our members and theirs. JSDF Within the Cinderfall Syndicate is the JSDF; a group of fighters who would come to the aid of any Syndicate asset in need of protection. Any Syndicate member (that means us) can join this defense force; it's a purely voluntary organization. QUESTIONS How will war be handled? Chromion Industrial will allow it's members to participate in wars of other organizations they are apart of. If Chromion Industrial itself goes to war, we will muster up a fleet composed of members from every Division, with the Security Division as our lead. War on other Cinderfall Syndicate members and organizations is prohibited. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I can be a member of a different organization too? Yes! This is not the only organization you are allowed to join. We will not prohibit you from joining or creating another organization, so long as it is not an enemy of either Chromion Industrial or Cinderfall Syndicate, and so long as you fulfill your duties within Chromion Industrial. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The link to our page on the community website~ https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/chromion-industrial You can also find us on Discord, at this link here: https://discord.gg/uckarBz Any further questions can be sent via PM to Halo381 That's all the information you'll need to know. Thank you kindly for taking the time to read this topic! Before you leave, I'd like for you to take these words of inspiration with you: Aspire for greatness. Rise high, and cast your shadow upon the world. Stay frosty, yall
  9. Hello! I am limoriden, the head-counsel member of the the Horizon Institute Of Technological Advancement https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/horizon-institue#tab-description The Horizon Institute Of Technological Advancement Is a group dedicated to the advancement of technology throughout the universe, We try to encourage research in every subject. Research Projects done by the institute are loosely supervised, we monitor the projects to make sure they do not get out of hand, besides that, you are free to do what you like. While Horizon does focus in scientific research, we also require a Security detail/corps to protect assets and scientists within the institute. And then there is the head counsel, Horizon will be controlled by 5 people, a decision can only be reached when the majority have the vote, We will make the dealings, hand out payments, and hire the workers. Research Corps The research corps is the main sector within The Institute, they focus on projects of their own. the only thing is though, when someone finishes a project they must turn it into the Horizon Counsel, they will review it and give the approval for the project. As long as your project isn't hurting people, illegal...ish, or killing people, your project will always be accepted, Security Corps They defend the area were the scientists work, since we will most likely be in a city, we do not need a full on military, the security corpse will defend the lab with the scientists if we become under attack. Security corpse will be payed the same as scientists, price is negotiable. Thank you for reading and considering, and always, Look Towards the Horizon. (This group was inspired by The Institute From Fallout 4)
  10. Hello everyone, When Dual Universe opens (alpha, beta, ect), what do you think will be the most important factors for large organizations like Terran Union to focus their research and development on, and why? Should they focus on energy (batteries, everything need batteries), recon (detention, exploration), firepower (weapons and defense), infrastructure (buildings on ground and in space), or anything else you can think of? First post, BruceWilly.
  11. Are you the next Marie Curie or Elon musk? Then the Terrian Union needs you to help build the next great human civilization. Terran Union council of ministers has a vacant seat. If you have the ambition and drive to rally the brightest of our engineers, architects and scientists a like to move the Terran Union forward into an innovative and promising future? Then you could be the next Ministry of Research and Development! Please send a 1 paragraph application letter to MuadDib (acting Minister of Research & Development and Head of Design & Development). Tell us why you think you are the right person to lead the TU’s Research and Development, and your take on the development of Dual Universe. You can find the Terran Union and MuadDib on Discord or community.dualthegame.com/organization/terran-union board.dualthegame.com/index.php/topic/714-terran-union-tu-pvpve-recruiting www.terran-union.com For more information about Dual Universe the game: www.dualthegame.com
  12. Hello fellow adventurers! We all embarked together upon a perilous journey into the great unknown on that day which we boarded the Ark ship. Now, to those among us who dare to press forward into this uncertainty with a mind open for opportunity, we find ourselves in need of a bold and ambitious mission in this brave new world. The Cranberry Collective is that mission. Founded to embrace the great burden which faces our kind, our members share the weight of building a new world. A Corporation, a Collective, a kindling of hope for humanity; we are the Cranberry Collective, apply today! Community Portal Page Official Website Discord The Cranberry Collective A Corporation founded around the ideals of building and managing open and fair marketplaces, while working to stock those markets with the latest in proprietary Technologies. Aspiring to build a full vertical supply chain by embodying the ideals of hard-work, fair-trade, and self-sufficiency; while encouraging mining, construction, economic prosperity, development and research; all through corporate and community goals which push us to advance the universe beyond what any of us could aspire to do alone, sharing the profits of these endeavors in accordance to merit. Meanwhile assuring that we serve our customers while supporting our members. The Collective consists of four major divisions whose operations are overseen by Co-founders TekNiX and Tale Avery. Each of these divisions represent one of the major undertakings involved in pursuing our corporate directives, developing over time as our needs and capacities change; all the while the managers in charge of these divisions will find themselves increasingly responsible for the operations and direction of the collective. Applications need not specify a preference during open recruiting. The four divisions to consider are: Science Core The Science Core is the center of our Research and Development efforts. Working together in project teams, members of the Science Core will work on the development and practical applications of the most modern technologies available to the Collective. Science Core members will be responsible for designing the cutting edge equipment necessary to stock our markets and give us the upper hand in space. Planning Commission The planning commission represents the finest visionaries the Cranberry Collective has to offer. Planning projects and preparing reports, the Planning Commission determines the path we take as we chase down our primary directive. If you think you have an eye for shaping the galaxy, market positioning and company strategy, bring your big ideas to the table. Production Council The Production Council houses a collection of the most skilled artisans in universe. Serving the Cranberry Collective by performing the most fundamentally demanding tasks the universe imposes upon our organization. Building and mining are the key to making our goals a reality and the Production Council will play a pivotal role in organizing and rewarding all members of the collective as they participate in these crucial fields, while serving as a bastion for the most skilled and dedicated craftsmen. Red Guard The Red Guard encompasses the security forces of the Cranberry Collective, defending our facilities and supply lines while maintaining the peace in Collective territories. Every member of the Red Guard is trained and equipped to the highest standards of the Collective, providing an exciting opportunity for all those who apply. The Red Guard needs recruits who will demonstrate their skill and grit everyday as they fight for the security of our members and territories. The collective will rely on the Guard for protection, and they must be a formidable presence if they are to ward off our most aggressive rivals well holding the agents of chaos at bay. For more information on these divisions and the roles their members will undertake, visit our website! The Primary Directive Currently we are in open-recruitment, meaning that we are looking to recruit all manner of players to our cause so long as they are enthusiastic, well meaning, future players of Dual Universe. With the game's release date still so far away we plan on filling the time getting to know each other, detailing our strategy, and sharpening our skills by playing MineCraft and other group-games as a Collective. However, we encourage you to join us across all platforms; many of our members are already regulars on steam, blizzard, and curse game communities, playing everything from Elite: Dangerous and Counter Strike, to Overwatch, TitanFall 2 and WoW. Once the game is released, we will use what we have learned from the Alpha and Beta tests to begin establishing a corporate headquarters which will evolve into our first market-place. Once we have established this public market place, and a supply line for the most sought after goods, we will begin to expand to new locations and technologies, continually working to better fill the needs of every citizen in the galaxy. Become a founding member of the Cranberry Collective to join in the adventure and share in the profits from day one! Apply Today and Join the Visionaries Who Compose The Cranberry Collective.
  13. Welcome to the Link to the organization community page : here Introduction It is my pleasure to present you our brand new organization : the Stellar Trade, Affairs and Recreational Society (acronym STARS). We are a neutral, non-interfering society thriving to offer the best available services to the community for an affordable price in secured oases of peace throughout the universe. We wish to offer in each of our bases: - A banking system for you to store your items in a secure and convenient location. - A free open market for everyone to visit or sell - A transport service for renting, shipping or driving you - A entertainment center for fun, gambling and broadcasting live streams such as races, fighting contests and maybe in the future war battles. - A research team to sell our carefully designed and manufactured constructs tested by our own members in their day to day activities. - A beautiful building reflecting our investment in the artistic community where all the previous services will be hosted. - A security team to secure our infrastructures and our clients assets. Diplomacy As a neutral non-interfering organization, we pledge to not wage war to anyone, not take side in any conflicts nor create any embargo. We are open to alliances and treaties with all organization sharing our vision of a free safe, peaceful and prosperous community. We are also open to business contracts for you to get VIP access to our various services. However we do retains the right to put you or your organization in our blacklist effectively banning you from our services if you commit any offense against us, our clients, our constructs or our infrastructures. Would the offense cost us a loss of any kind, we do retains the rights to prosecute you by hiring public or private law enforcement and/or juridical systems to make you pay for our loss. Membership The STAR Society is organized by a vertical hierarchy guarded by the founders with the role to oversee all activities and protect the organization from internal and external coup trying to divert us from our true mission (see our Role Play). The Council is a group of 10 members (of whom 2 are the founders) sitting at the top of STARS’ hierarchy. All members of the council, apart from the leaders, are elected by their peers for a mandate of 3 months. The Council takes all the decisions and set the objectives of each Division for the mandate toward our global objectives. Divisions represent the interest of STARS for particular activities. There are 7 Divisions : The Banking Division in charge of setting and maintaining resource banks for our customers. First objective is to build a Bank in the headquarter. The Trading Division in charge of setting and maintaining open markets for our customers. First objective is to build a market place in the headquarter. The Transport Division offering transport (of people or goods) for customers and for the Divisions, racing on STARS behalf and testing the ships of the Research Division. First objective is to develop a customer base and to train as soon as the first ships are ready. The Entertainment Division in charge of setting up the casino and gambling system, running races, showcasing live streams and all entertainment-related activities. First objective is to design and market the casino and the racing bet system. The Research Division, focusing on designing blueprints for all other Divisions and for defense. First objective is to start building the design of the headquarter, designing the first transport ship and the first defense mechanism. The Construction Division in charge of building the headquarter and any building necessary to the other Divisions. First objective is to secure and start building in the safe-zone a low quality version of the headquarter to host the bank, market place, research center, transport halls, casino and conference hall. The Security Division whose job is to protect the other Divisions during their activities. First objective is to make STARS famous by exploring outside the safe-zone, cooperating with the community, talking about us, train in fighting skills and address the griefs of the other Division. All members must choose up to three Divisions, they are free to work in any of these and must choose one to be primary for each month : the one they will spend the most time in. The Council will adapt monthly objectives according to the pool of members in each Division and the one they set as primary for the month. STARS strongly recommend to choose 3 Divisions and rotate between them because the skill system of Dual is set so that you won’t be able to be good at everything so favoring a few and becoming an expert in them seems better to us than favoring none and be average in everything. Favored trios for now The Fighter : Defense, Transport and Research Division The Merchant : Banking, Trading, Research Division The Builder : Construction, Defense, Research Division The Dealer : Entertainment, Transport, Research Division Yes we do value researchers, because all the blueprint we develop will be saved from alpha to beta to official release. However we don't force nor coerce anyone so you are free to do choose any other trios. NB: There may be basic skills needed for particular activities that we may favor in Alpha.
  14. Currently we know there is blueprints for components that would go on your creations (power, thrusters, controls, shields). Each of these will have its own mesh that would be placed on a ship with certain attribute values. I hope there are dozens of variants of each component type to give some versatility in choices. But these will be limited by the number of components the Devs create and implement. While being able to use as many of these as we please on our creations is great, it is still a limiting factor, especially if space is a factor. What I would like to see is a research system to have RNG modifiers to these base components. This is not a unique idea, and has been done to various degrees in games, but Limit Theory is the only one to my knowledge attempting to implement it in this manner. It is actually where I got the idea from. We will already have a RNG universe so why not RNG other things. The way it could work is to have the basic BPs that the ark provides. You can then do research on these blueprints (maybe in some special lab that requires resources) for a chance to produce a new BP with RNG modifiers to its base attributes. These could be good or bad, i.e. +5% to turret damage as well as -3% turning speed. There could even be a chance you would get all positive or all negative modifiers or maybe dont get any at all. You could then take this researched BP and attempt to research it further for more modifiers. The component could share the same name and mesh model as the parent component, just containing a different meta tag. This would allow for truly unique designs as maybe I dont care about component weight but need fire power. Or I dont care about power storage capacity, just power generation. So I could have more ability to customize my creations by choosing a blueprint with the attributes I want. This could even open a whole new market as you could sell your blueprints that you have researched and modified. Entire business could be started solely as a research lab producing these things. Now heres where it could be interesting, imagine you buy someones fighter BP to make and it requires 12 MK 1 thrusters and 3 guns. If you had modified versions of this it would be awesome to tell it use your version (remember it has the same model and ID) instead of the basic version. So now you can have 2 identical looking ships but with different performance metrics. I think for a game with unlimited variability in everything else, this would help remove the one major limitation I see. Now indexing these meta tags may become complex, but in a game that plans to implement such a detailed but complexed permissions system I think it is doable. What does everyone else thing about this?
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