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Found 9 results

  1. Hello there, Noveans! Today I'd like to present you with two online tools (possibly more coming soon) I've been recently working on, that aim to make the Dual Universe life easier! Item Database Explorer Link: https://dual.wolfe.science/tools/item-database-explorer An online database containing useful information related to DU items and their recipes. It has a search bar where you can search for any item or resource, and by selecting one from the list you can see the following set of information: Basic data such as ID, category, tier, volume, mass and density; All available crafting recipes for that item, including when it is a by-product of something else; All recipes that use that item as an ingredient; All honeycomb types that can be produced using it; All resources, parts and items where that resource is required as part of the chain (except when it's part of a Catalyst); As a starting example, you can check out Pure Iron and see how many parts and items use it There's also a new section in the works that will list all planets, moons and moonlets where a certain resource can be found, but it's still a WIP, due to some divergence I found when comparing in-game ore lists with the Atlas file. Celestial Body Calculator Link: https://dual.wolfe.science/tools/calculators This one is more like a general-purpose visualization of the Atlas, but also supports few calculations on things based on altitude. At the moment it offers: Gravity information, including the altitude where gravity is 0.01g; Atmosphere information, including the altitude where atmosphere density is 10%; Surface minimum, average and maximum altitudes; Construct build limit altitude; Total surface area and number of territories; Calculation of gravity, atmospheric density and total circumference length at desired altitude; I hope that information is somehow helpful for the community and I'm completely open to suggestions on what could be improved or added!
  2. I HAVE A small NEED. I love what we can do within our game even with a basic understanding of voxelmancy, but there comes a scale, at which I find myself struggling to get the small scale finishes I really need. I believe we need some small decorative elements, mostly 1 block and below sized, to support our fine detailed projects. These silly trinkets could EACH serve a multitude of purposes. The key to these small elements is that they can be used bear to complex voxels without messing things up. This will give us all some options for the enhancement of the very smallest of our creations. Some examples SMALL GOLD BUTTON door handles, wall studs, statue clothing buttons STEEL BOLTS wall reinforcement, mechanical voxel decoration, eeeeverything MIRRORABLE SCI-FI EYE LENSES statues, robots, cameras (bigger, sorry) NOVEAN AND BARE HUMAN SIZE HEADS/TORSO/BODY-SEATED-STANDING decorative crew SMALL ARMS shops, decorative turrets, emplacements, statues ______________ I'm sure I've just touched the surface, and there may be things I haven't considered properly, (like the server load of my 10billion rivet warship) but I really do feel that due to the scale of a person against the 1 block scale leaves us a hole, the button XS just cannot fill alone. PLEASE LEAVE ANY IDEAS YOU HAVE FOR SMALL DECORATIVE ITEMS IN THE COMMENTS BELOW, and have a great day.
  3. Basically I can't find the option in the RDMS that I can use to prevent members from unclaiming items. It seems like every org member can unclaim items.. How do I prevent that? Can I create a sub-org that I claim the items for? And then how do I allow industry to work with these claimed items? (I know about the difference between unclaiming and stealing.. Stealing would atleast result in a notification) Thanks in advance.
  4. My Idea is a repair tool. Like a wrench or a blowtorch used too repair a vehicle/structure. or maybe even use it as ship bound block much similar to the grinders in space engineers. sorry if this has suggested done before or is already a planned feature. I'm fairly new to this community.
  5. I was thinking that there could be Unpowered personal transport such as bicycles, skis, wingsuits/hang gliders, and the like. Possible usage of these items include: Covert Operations: I assume while constructs stay when you log out, player avatars and their items/equipment don't, allowing for spies to hide their tracks more easily. Even if they don't, this might make for a much more discreet method of getting around undetected over longer distances. Open Military Operations: In cases where armored vehicles and other powered tools and the logistics train to support them may be unavailable or limited, such as getting a foothold on a hostile planet(think orbital paratroopers), or just regular paratroopers, equipping soldiers with means of personal unpowered transport may be a good idea. Personal transport: In rough terrain or in crowded areas, using cars or aircraft may be unfeasible. Sport: see DICE
  6. Please post on the other thread. I was thinking that there could be Unpowered personal transport such as bicycles, skis, wingsuits/hang gliders, and the like. Possible usage of these items include: Covert Operations: I assume while constructs stay when you log out, player avatars and their items/equipment don't, allowing for spies to hide their tracks more easily. Even if they don't, this might make for a much more discreet method of getting around undetected over longer distances. Open Military Operations: In cases where armored vehicles and other powered tools and the logistics train to support them may be unavailable or limited, such as getting a foothold on a hostile planet(think orbital paratroopers), or just regular paratroopers, equipping soldiers with means of personal unpowered transport may be a good idea. Personal transport: In rough terrain or in crowded areas, using cars or aircraft may be unfeasible. Sport: see DICE
  7. I have been following this game since it's announcement viewing it with the potential of being the perfect game for me, initially i was worried about whether or not they could do anything but now i have 2 main concerns after seeing how well it handles stress tests. I, in games rather enjoy being a bit of an antagonist and i find one of the worst things for an open game such as this would be over moderation, people complaining about raids or pirate thefts or the such. I believe that moderators for the game should only really deal with hacking or exploits, everything else (everything done fairly) should be dealt with by players in game, just as perpetrated. For example, a pirate base keeps raiding nearby nations, these pirates shouldnt be hit with a banhammer or threats of it. The nearby nations should half to deal with it, this is where the fun of a social/combat crossover game comes from The second thing is i heard there will be items added in dlc, which preorder packs include these? If i find the both of the answers for these questions favorable, i will be buying the game as soon as possible, aiming for the $120 (one thirty something CAD) package
  8. I thought this might be the best place to post, since it has to do with blueprints, although it is also somewhat of an art question. Does anyone know whether blueprints will be actually viewable in the game, like a schematic, or whether they are just supposed to be electronic files that only make sense to a factory unit? The reason I ask, is because I think it would be neat to be able to make a desktop background / screensaver slide out of your favorite ship blueprints. (Hence the "art" aspect.") I realize that it could pose problems from a blueprint security standpoint, since it might be easier to reverse-engineer a viewable blueprint, but then again, the blueprint wouldn't be divided into voxels, so.... Maybe this could be limited to Master Blueprints, or specific blueprints that have had this option enabled by the original designer? Let me know if you are aware of whether this will work. If not, tell me what you think about the idea!
  9. I thought this might be the best place to post, since it has to do with blueprints, although it is also somewhat of an art question. Does anyone know whether blueprints will be actually viewable in the game, like a schematic, or whether they are just supposed to be electronic files that only make sense to a factory unit? The reason I ask, is because I think it would be neat to be able to make a desktop background / screensaver slide out of your favorite ship blueprints. (Hence the "art" aspect.") I realize that it could pose problems from a blueprint security standpoint, since it might be easier to reverse-engineer a viewable blueprint, but then again, the blueprint wouldn't be divided into voxels, so.... Maybe this could be limited to Master Blueprints, or specific blueprints that have had this option enabled by the original designer? Let me know if you are aware of whether this will work. If not, tell me what you think about the idea!
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