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  1. As with all empires, they start with little more than a spark. And so the spark has been ignited, giving birth to the Gaveen Empire. We aim to be known throughout the cosmos, focusing on all aspects of life ranging from simple mining expeditions to complex territorial wars. We aim to explore, gather, create, build, fight, and conquer. There is no limitation to what we will be able to accomplish. There is no time like the present. Though the empire is in its infancy, it will be in its infancy only once. Not is the time to join and be here from the beginning. Learn with the empire and progress as one. The Gaveen Empire will hold multiple divisions specialized in different areas of expertise and interest ·Mining Division -This ragtag group of individuals spend their lives beneath the ground in the darkness. Nothing beats the feeling of finding that fresh new source of ore for the empire. But before you go thinking they are just a bunch of Neanderthals with a mining tool, just remember the wealthiest of the empire started here. · Manufacturing Division -Working with machines may frighten some, but these individuals have found value in crafting the most exquisite items. They work closely with the mining division to help provide the empire with anything it may need. · Building Division -Do you enjoy building vehicles? Building structures? A rocket? How about a multi-functional battleship to patrol the empires most precious territories? These are the builders, and though we may normally go throughout our days not thinking about it, sometimes we just have to sit back and marvel at what they have been able to build. · Exploration Division -Crafting? Fighting? Why in the world would I care about that when I can explore the universe? The question may seem odd to most, but for this group this is all that matters. -From finding new planets to settle, or finding unique locations in the cosmos, these individuals love, even obsess, over seeing everything the universe has to offer. · Officer Division -These are the empires elite. They have proven their loyalty to our cause and have devoted themselves entirely. -Only those invited can join this elite division. · Spy Division -Classified. · Crew Division (PvP) -There is no more tight-knit division than this. They live together, and they die together. This is the division for PvP, waging war out in the cosmos. They may go on scouting missions, territorial expansion missions, or go to all-out war. -If you want to look the enemy in the eyes while they have you in their crosshairs and decide to live anyways, this is the division for you. Together, there is nothing we can’t conquer. We are accepting all applications. Please find us in the organization tab, or send a friend request to Galactic_Ruin (game name). If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
  2. We are Awakened. Awakened after cryogenic dream which seemed to last for just a moment...moment caged in eternity. In an unknown world, under unknown stars. We are what may be the last hope of survival for the mankind. And for not to perish in the vastness of space we need to become a viable force, able to make ourselves home. In order to achieve this goal we need to unite to form a strong clan and carve our path to prosperity. And what is it common that we all have? The Awakening. ------------------------------------------------- Awakening - означает Пробуждение. Согласно записям Ковчега, в котором мы спали, погруженные в бесконечный криогенный сон, именно этот мир стал ключом и сигналом к окончанию сна. Мы - Пробуждённые, именно нам выпала честь первыми обследовать этот мир и обустроить его для себя. Заложить первые кирпичи в фундамент нашего процветания. Нам следует объединиться. Нам суждено быть самыми первыми здесь, и, чтобы не исчезнуть, не раствориться в необъятности Вселенной, мы будем сильны! Мы - Пробуждённые, в память о том, что объединило всех нас, основываем клан - Awakening. Наш клан принимает в свои ряды Пробуждённых с любыми склонностями, - каждому найдётся занятие по душе и помощь в становлении. Любишь схватки? В боевом крыле клана, ты займёшь достойное место и обретёшь почёт и уважение твоим навыкам боя и пилотирования. Нравится создавать красивые и мощные корабли и здания, - мы будем рады принять талантливого строителя, а клан предоставит место на защищённой территории. Мятежная душа исследователя найдёт у нас задачи по плечу, ведь мы будем на первых рубежах космоса, и ты сможешь с гордостью воткнуть знамя родного клана на неисследованных планетах и даже в новых звёздных системах. Пробуждённые уже здесь! Обладаешь незаурядными навыками программирования - мы по достоинству оценим их в отделе разработки. Вступай в клан Пробуждённых - Awakening, займи место среди лучших!
  3. Veteran owned and operated, politically incorrect and pro free speech, memelords extraordinaire, The Dark Star Imperium is a meritocratic empire. Meritocratic means is that if you put in the effort, you WILL advance in the ranks as we are a community built on teamwork. Strength that is defined by each member’s ability to work for the common goal as a group whilst also maintaining independence, autonomy, resourcefulness and honing their individual skill. Those who would take the time and effort to help others no matter the cause, that is what it is to be a part of a community / a family and not just some "Org". We specialize in faction PvP, engineering, and tech with all sections having countless veteran players across many similar games and Sci-Fi themed clans. However, we employ players of all playstyles such as Industrialists, Designers, Engineers, Merchants, Economists and even those who are more casual or love meta gaming. Our philosophy on all aspects is going above and beyond the competition by overwhelming levels. Strength not just in numbers, but in skill. Engineering feats not just in usefulness but with complexity. Since our arrival in Dual Universe we've strived to set the bar high in many aspects of the community. In doing so we've gained friends, made enemies and even achieved the emulation of those mimicking practices we've begun. We've faced skepticism, drama and even attacks on our community yet here we are despite it all proving our endurance and resolve. We always put our members and community first, we expect the best, and we give the best. Service guarantees citizenship! Please feel free to contact myself "Firestorm#2981" on Discord or check out any of the following links. Keep in mind if you do intend on joining our community we do require every new member to go through a one on one voice interview with one of our recruiters or community heads. Anyways have a good day and best of luck! Opportunity Awaits Discord Dual Universe: Org Page Recruitment Questionnaire Achievements & Awards DU - Imperium Lore Wiki
  4. Cyber-Phoenix is a German Org, so this will be a German post. If you'ar not speaking German, a short English introduction is on the Communety hub. You can ask any question, no mather if in English or in German. DEVELOPMENT|KNOWLEDGE|DEPLOYMENT Metadaten: Sprache: Deutsch Komunikation: TS3/Cy-Ph Forum/DU Community Color Code: Red: Management|Blue: Science|Green: "Security" Ursprung: Cyber-Phoenix MGC Wer sind wir? Cyber-Phoenix ist eine zweiseitige Organisation. Auf der einen Seite sind wir eine wissenschaftliche Forschungs-, Entwicklungs- und Produktions-Organisation. Auf der anderen Seite haben wir auch trainierte Kampfeinheiten, welche sowohl zum vertreten unserer Interessen nach außen, als auch zum Schutz im inneren. Dies bietet natürlich auch unseren Mitgliedern differenzierte Möglichkeiten in dem was sie tun können. Unser Ziel ist es eine Etablierte rolle in diesem Universum einzunehmen und unsere Interessen zu vertreten. Dazu gehört auch sich in Angelegenheiten ein zu mischen die gegen unsere Agenda stehen sollten. Mehr Information, wie zb. den RP Hintergrund findet ihr in unserem Forum. Was bieten wir? Wir bieten eine Strukturierte Umgebung für die verschiedensten Spieler, so wie eine gute Grundlage für RP. Bei uns stehen euch viele Möglichkeiten offen, die verschiedensten Aufgaben, oder sogar Führungspositionen zu übernehmen. Zudem natürlich eine freundliche Deutschsprachige Spieler Gemeinschaft ^^ Wo kommen wir her? Cyber-Phoenix ist ursprünglich ein kleiner Deutscher MultiGamingClan. Dieser ist jedoch unabhängig von der DU Org, so das keinerlei Verpflichtungen für irgendwen bestehen. Jedoch ist schon eine Grundlage für das Verwalten einer gut Strukturierten Organisation geschaffen. Wir suchen euch! Ihr sprecht Deutsch? Sucht eine Organisation mit vielen Möglichkeiten? Seit RP interessiert? Dann seit ihr bei uns absolut richtig! Wir freuen uns über jeden (freundlichen) Spieler der sich uns anschließt. Schreibt einfache eine kurze Bewerbung im Community Portal, in der ihr erklärt wer ihr seid und warum ihr euch für Cy-Ph interessiert. Links: Community Portal: https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/cyber-phoenix Website: https://cyber-phoenix.com/index.php?dualuniverse/ Forum: https://cyber-phoenix.com/forum/index.php?board/20-dual-universe/ TS3: cyber-phoenix.com
  5. Dear Players, What's going on guys! I am a leader of a Dual Universe Empire called Intergalactic Empire. Our Empire is quite advanced with job roles, economies, etc. We are currently looking for members that are active at least once or twice a week (as of now) but when Dual Universe comes out, at least 3 times a week. Every job has its own pay using an in-game currency and everyone is treated equally. Meetings are sometimes mandatory. I'd be great if you could check out our Discord server for more info: https://discord.gg/SUsP6dJ. See you there! Thanks, Greg, Leader of Intergalactic Empire.
  6. Hello people, I am a leader of a Discord server for a clan on Dual Universe. If you are interested we have jobs to offer with in-game payment. There are several jobs you can have. You can learn more by going to this Discord link: https://discord.gg/SUsP6dJ
  7. Hello and greetings I’m Firestorm and a am a part of the Dark Star Imperium, a relatively new DU org that was formed by over eight large orgs who consist of friends and enemies alike from a game called “Space Engineers”. We have been contemplating a switch to DU for over a year now and decided now was a good time to start laying the ground work for our org. So far in just four days we made it to org page four and are steadily climbing. We are focused on PvP but we are a well rounded org that intends to be not only PvP but also self sufficient in all sectors. Alliances are being made, treaties, trade deals are being brokered and people are enrolling for Citizenship with the Imperium. We look forward to doing business with you all and maybe, just maybe we will see YOU! In Dual Universe - Firestorm Vice Head of the Dark Star Imperium https://discord.gg/vqnhhRe
  8. NoDps is a broad gaming community, spanning a variety of games across different platforms, such as Sea of thieves, Destiny, Monster Hunter World, Counter strike and many more. We are intending to create a player-base for Dual Universe, which can upon release, work together with the community to create a stable foothold in the game world. As release will be completely player driven content, it's hard to say ahead of time if we will be focused on PvP or mining/construction/automation aspects of the game, but I am sure all aspects of the game will come into our strategy in some form. If you are looking to join a friendly, competitive, creative gaming group to help found a solid clan for release, please do visit our DISCORD: https://discord.gg/SwDMY7p Make sure you change your nickname on Discord to match your in game name, this saves a lot of time and confusion! Please note, we would prefer members to be 18+ and/or of a mature and constructive attitude towards social play and interactions online. NoDps Website & Forum : https://www.nodps.com NoDps Twitter: https://twitter.com/no_dps NoDps Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/nodps NoDps YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQiDrVP7-8n9xk9g4KfUGSA/featured
  9. Bienvenidos a Dual Universe, Para los recién llegados y busquen una organización de habla hispana, contactad conmigo si os interesara entrar y formar una gran comunidad. Os esperamos. Discord de la comunidad: https://discord.gg/pETKGuX
  10. Hello. My name is Greg and we are currently recruiting people to our Discord channel for Dual Universe. Our clan/organization is a fun place to be. We will pay players for doing their jobs in the near future. If you are interested, here is the link: https://discord.gg/YUcgx52. Be sure to follow the rules and check the economy section for more info about jobs and roles.
  11. Hello. My name is Greg and we are currently recruiting people to our Discord channel for Dual Universe. Our clan/organization is a fun place to be. We will pay players for doing their jobs in the near future. If you are interested, here is the link: https://discord.gg/YUcgx52. Be sure to follow the rules and check the economy section for more info about jobs and roles.
  12. FOXCORP is a conglomerate composed of several related and interconnected organizations. Together these organizations provide construction, development, logistics, and communications services. FOXCORP serves as the governing entity over all operations carried out by it's subsidiaries, with Jon (JonFriendlyFox) serving as it's CEO. We're currently recruiting for most positions. More information can be found at https://community.dualthegame.com/organ ... escription
  13. Dads of DU will be an offspring from the Dads of Destiny Europe Clan for the game of Destiny. I have been leading that clan on PS4 since beta of Destiny 1 and we are still going strong! The same camaraderie, friendly atmosphere, beer-and-pretzel jokes and cooperation to achieve something larger than the sum of its parts will be the foundation of this Organisation within Dual Universe. It's a place where the dads can find likeminded people. Where your brothers know what its like to have to interrupt your gaming session yet again because you need to change a diaper. Its a place where we dads can become Galactic brothers in arms and build something great within a virtual world of endless possibilities and do it with those who know what it is to have sleepless nights for weeks on end. We don't enforce strict rules of activity. Those rules are already in place in real life. We come here to blow off steam and join a place of make belief and immersion. So once that moment finally comes when you are excused for a while and don't have to be 'daddy', you will know your Dads of DU will be eager to join you on yet another great adventure! Rally here, Dads of Dual Universe! https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/dads-of-du
  14. Today I finished up a piece of propaganda for us here at "Deleted." While finishing it up I had a rather interesting idea for something to start up on the forum. The idea is to create a place where anyone that wants to show off their skills in creating beautiful pieces of propaganda art! Anyone can submit, just refrain from anything not matching the conduct guidelines set out for us on the forum. Anyway henceforth I guess I will get the ball rolling. . . "Image Deleted" Meanwhile - Just have fun!
  15. Imperium is a faction that aims to be one of the top organizations in terms of military. Military is Imperium's #1 priority, however our main goal is to be powerful all around. We hope to have a strong sense of community within our organization as well. So if you want to be a part of an organization like that, then go ahead and apply here: https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/imperium#post_2217 Our arms are open to anyone who is interested in joining our organization. We don't have any certain specifications for applications right now, so just give us some information about yourself, and maybe why you want to join Imperium. Anyone who applies will most likely be accepted as long as they take their application seriously. Thank you for your time.
  16. Recruitment should be easier - and it can be! With many if not endless amounts of organizations now and later on, trying to find the right place can become tricky. So someone in Vulture Corporation *shameless ad* sat down and thought: Let's make it easier for all. Based on another forum where a similar layout works well with mod support, here we are: Welcome to the (un)official "Looking for Organization" Thread that gets people results faster. How it works is simple ⛹ Organization seeker You simply use the form provided below as basis for your post, fill it out and post it in here according to your specifications and then wait for the messages and offers to pour in. If you found an organization, you edit your posting and indicate that you did to prevent additional, possibly unwanted messages - and maybe false hopes for some recruiters. ⛳ Organization provider You simply monitor this thread and respond to fitting requests. Please do not reply in this thread and contact recruits via the preferred contact method indicated by their posting only. ⚠ Forum moderators To allow for a good structure and overview, it is suggested that moderators delete fulfilled requests from time to time if the post was marked accordingly by the user. In turn users, upon posting, should automatically agree that their posting can be deleted, if fulfilled. Notice: For feedback about the form or other things, please send a PM visit the feedback thread found here: »Feedbackthread - "Looking for Organization Thread" This thread is just for those looking for an organization, not debate or organization ads. Thanks to Tal from the SC forums for the inspiration. Changelog: - --------------------------------------- Form (Remove the informational parts upon posting - Subject to change depending on feedback in feedback thread or sent via PM) Name: Desired role(s) you wish to play in-game: Ex. Pirate, Smuggler, Trader, Soldier, Mercenary, Bounty Hunter, Miner, Explorer Organization Membership Type: Do you look for a main organization or do you just intend to affiliate with others while you remain in your core organization? What type of Organization are you looking for?: Ex. Pirate Group, Trader Coalition, Corporation, Player Government / Nation, Military Organization, Cult, Mercenary Group, Empire etc... PvP or PvE Oriented?: Region/Timezone: Country or, ideally, timezone Language spoke/Written?: Here you can also indicate if an organization should speak a certain language primarily Roleplay Interest?: How mild or heavy you intend to roleplay - or if there is no interest whatsoever Are you looking for an organization that will focus heavily on Dual Universe or one that plays other games together?: Preferred organization size: Do you look for a rather smaller or larger organization? Other: List any other specifics here Preferred contact method: State how organizations should contact you, ex. Steam, E-Mail, Discord, Skype, private message on this forum etc.
  17. Hello fellow adventurers! We all embarked together upon a perilous journey into the great unknown on that day which we boarded the Ark ship. Now, to those among us who dare to press forward into this uncertainty with a mind open for opportunity, we find ourselves in need of a bold and ambitious mission in this brave new world. The Cranberry Collective is that mission. Founded to embrace the great burden which faces our kind, our members share the weight of building a new world. A Corporation, a Collective, a kindling of hope for humanity; we are the Cranberry Collective, apply today! Community Portal Page Official Website Discord The Cranberry Collective A Corporation founded around the ideals of building and managing open and fair marketplaces, while working to stock those markets with the latest in proprietary Technologies. Aspiring to build a full vertical supply chain by embodying the ideals of hard-work, fair-trade, and self-sufficiency; while encouraging mining, construction, economic prosperity, development and research; all through corporate and community goals which push us to advance the universe beyond what any of us could aspire to do alone, sharing the profits of these endeavors in accordance to merit. Meanwhile assuring that we serve our customers while supporting our members. The Collective consists of four major divisions whose operations are overseen by Co-founders TekNiX and Tale Avery. Each of these divisions represent one of the major undertakings involved in pursuing our corporate directives, developing over time as our needs and capacities change; all the while the managers in charge of these divisions will find themselves increasingly responsible for the operations and direction of the collective. Applications need not specify a preference during open recruiting. The four divisions to consider are: Science Core The Science Core is the center of our Research and Development efforts. Working together in project teams, members of the Science Core will work on the development and practical applications of the most modern technologies available to the Collective. Science Core members will be responsible for designing the cutting edge equipment necessary to stock our markets and give us the upper hand in space. Planning Commission The planning commission represents the finest visionaries the Cranberry Collective has to offer. Planning projects and preparing reports, the Planning Commission determines the path we take as we chase down our primary directive. If you think you have an eye for shaping the galaxy, market positioning and company strategy, bring your big ideas to the table. Production Council The Production Council houses a collection of the most skilled artisans in universe. Serving the Cranberry Collective by performing the most fundamentally demanding tasks the universe imposes upon our organization. Building and mining are the key to making our goals a reality and the Production Council will play a pivotal role in organizing and rewarding all members of the collective as they participate in these crucial fields, while serving as a bastion for the most skilled and dedicated craftsmen. Red Guard The Red Guard encompasses the security forces of the Cranberry Collective, defending our facilities and supply lines while maintaining the peace in Collective territories. Every member of the Red Guard is trained and equipped to the highest standards of the Collective, providing an exciting opportunity for all those who apply. The Red Guard needs recruits who will demonstrate their skill and grit everyday as they fight for the security of our members and territories. The collective will rely on the Guard for protection, and they must be a formidable presence if they are to ward off our most aggressive rivals well holding the agents of chaos at bay. For more information on these divisions and the roles their members will undertake, visit our website! The Primary Directive Currently we are in open-recruitment, meaning that we are looking to recruit all manner of players to our cause so long as they are enthusiastic, well meaning, future players of Dual Universe. With the game's release date still so far away we plan on filling the time getting to know each other, detailing our strategy, and sharpening our skills by playing MineCraft and other group-games as a Collective. However, we encourage you to join us across all platforms; many of our members are already regulars on steam, blizzard, and curse game communities, playing everything from Elite: Dangerous and Counter Strike, to Overwatch, TitanFall 2 and WoW. Once the game is released, we will use what we have learned from the Alpha and Beta tests to begin establishing a corporate headquarters which will evolve into our first market-place. Once we have established this public market place, and a supply line for the most sought after goods, we will begin to expand to new locations and technologies, continually working to better fill the needs of every citizen in the galaxy. Become a founding member of the Cranberry Collective to join in the adventure and share in the profits from day one! Apply Today and Join the Visionaries Who Compose The Cranberry Collective.
  18. Welcome to the winner side! Beteigeuze is a simple structured Organization that, once the game wil be published, focus on spreading terror and fear throughout the galaxy. Beign a part of Beteigeuze is one of the greatest goals one can achive in the upcoming game - not because we would start at a higher or more advanced part than other organizations but because we have the will to achive everyhing we can dream of. Be it control over planets and civilazations or the will to reign the whole galaxy through enslaving planets and races. Beteigeuzes first goal will be the construction of a huge star combat cruises, called "Malecifent" which will serve us as our main base to spread our ideals throughout the galaxy. With this, we will attend to include a large superweapon into the ship, which will serve the purpose to destroy whole citys. This organization contains of simple elements which are divided into the imperial space forces, the imperial planetary forces, the imperial trading forces, the Imperial Mining forces, the imperial Construction force and the Imperial Core. The Imperial Core The Higest of all those instances is the Imperial leading core, which consists of "Supreme Leader" which is the head of this Organization. Directly followed by the Leaders Right and Left hand, which are formed by the Imperial Space forces General and the Imperial Planetary Forces General. A Third position to this is the Supreme leaders Hand, which is personally commanded and equipped by the Supreme Leader with a own flag ship and military forces. The Imperial space forces The Imperial space forces are Beteigeuzes space military which serves to destroy other large space stations and win space battles. It is lead by the Imperial Space General which commands the Second larges Ship in the Organization. This general commands 3 large fleets, each equipped wich one large destroyer and 4 small conquorers. The Imperial planetary forces The planetary foces are Beteigeuzes military section which is working on planets to conquer citys and planets from the ground. This part is lead by the Imperial Planet General, which commands a large mobile Headquater that is able to switch planet if needed. The General commands 3 divisions, which each have about 25 Soldiers in in. This Section will be equipped with large ground vehicles like tanks. The Imperial trading foces The imperial trading foces concentrates on trading with other acceptable organization to gain needed rare resouces and weapons. Lead by Beteigeuzes Bank ministry which consists of the 5 economic Generals. This section will be equipped with 2 large bank and trading cruised which allow Beteigeuze to trade materials and currencys. The Imperial mining forces The Imperial mining forces are based on every planet to gain resouces through mining off planets. They are lead by the Imperial Mineing Chief and are equipped with large mining stations as well as mining vehicles. The Imperial construction force The Imperial construction forces work together with the trade and mining forces to first create our Head-Ship and then all needed space and ground vehicles. It is lead by the Imperial Construction Chief. More content coming soon! We are searching for designers at the moment, so if you wish to help us, feel free to contact me. As a designer, youll automatically get a higher position in our clan once the game is out.
  19. From recreational vehicles and mining vessels to carriers and capital ships, Craft Corp is here to deliver! Cheap, reliable, and durable ships accessible to everyone to explore the verse! Plenty of jobs for the average Joe! Mining, transport, manufacturing, design, you name it! Craft Corp has a place for you! We have a dream to create a perfect universe, build cities in the skies and trade only the finest products. If you're looking for and honest job that'll pay you a few big bucks, look no further and join Crafting Corporation! https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/crafting-corporation
  20. Phoenix Initiative was established with the intent of exploration. However, exploration by itself is not possible without supporting infrastructure. The Branches of Phoenix Initiative provide for the fulfillment of our exploration goals. Phoenix Initiative was founded by Allen Tainia after the historic landing of Novark on Alioth. His strong will and determination have brought us together to enable the human condition to learn about the universe. It is solely this desire that initiated the objective of exploration. Join us, satisfy your curiosity and fulfill your destiny. PI is split into branches, then departments, then, if need be, sections. Each branch will manage its own assets and can issue requests to other branches for its assets if it requires assistance. The directors all share the same duties as the highest ranking officials in each branch, however, they outrank them and act as the leader of each branch. For branches with two directors, the first position is called Alpha and outranks the second, Beta. Each member of the Core Assembly is one of these ten directors. The Core Assembly will make all decisions concerning large-scale PI operations with Allen Tainia as the Chairman of the Core Assembly. The rank of Journeyman will apply to all brand new recruits across each branch. They should not take long to advance to their particular branch's lowest rank. Journeymen will be judged more quickly and probably more harshly due to their untrustworthiness (forgive the negative connotation here). More trusted members will be allowed more leniency, since they have proven themselves. *We are currently taking applications for all vacant Director and top-rank positions (Admiral, Master Coordinator, etc...). When Alpha arrives, I will approve the best applicants and make a formal announcement to that effect. Applications submitted sooner have higher priority, so don't hesitate to apply. This waiting period gives a fair chance to everyone who applies. Application is not necessary to join PI, but it is required for Director and top-rank positions. When the time comes, I will be announcing received applications/accepted positions on PI Discord. (see below for link) Don't forget to check out PI on the community site! Director/Top Rank Application Position: Age: Timezone: Estimate how much time you could allocate for us: Why should I pick you for this position?: To submit the application, PM me with a filled out application on the forums or on Discord. No application necessary to join PI, only for leader positions. Although there is a clear hierarchical order here, I intend for the gameplay rift between highest and lowest ranks to be minimal. All ranks ought to share somewhat the same style of gameplay. The only intentional difference is that the higher ranks get to call the shots. The agents of PI are expected to behave in accordance with a very simple code of conduct. PI is an organization based on exploration, science, invention, and diplomacy. We are not pirates and we are not griefers. We do not blatantly steal and destroy. Harassing other players in any way is unacceptable. Definition of harassment is entirely up to me and the judicial department. Violation of this code will result in punishment or possibly expulsion from PI. We will consider all actions and statements from you, even on "your" time. That includes in-game when you are not working on PI activities, or on the forums or other DU related community. Any character will be allowed to be members of other organizations only as long as there is no conflict: Not a pirate or other disreputable organization. We are not pirates and we do not associate with them.* You do not overextend yourself. Working two jobs takes a lot of effort. Will be allowed if you can handle yourself. No conflict with the other organization. If you're not sure, ask them. *Note that I said this was a character limitation. I am fine with you having another character which is a pirate. In fact, I may do that. This applies to characters only. I don't want people to get their hopes up for something that just isn't going to happen. A first day spawn just isn't going to become captain of a ship. Nor will a weekend-only player become a Director (a role which is supposed to be extremely active). I realize that sometimes things change or people encounter problems in their real lives, so those who lose time to play won't be punished or demoted as long as they tell the rest of us what's going on. This isn't meant to discriminate good or bad players, it is meant to manage expectations and avoid unpleasant surprises. There's nothing inherently wrong or bad with spending your time elsewhere. Regular playing and socializing lets me and other officers in PI examine your trustworthiness and willingness and ability to contribute, which allows us to place more trust in you. Very likely that only those who tend to play with us, get on VOIP with us, engage with us (and a lot of it) will get higher ranking positions or more benefits. This may seem to be unfair to those with extremely limited time and/or money, but that's the way it is. Trust is earned, not given. Everything above is subject to change, as more is learned about DU and as gameplay may necessitate change. Read the full story here. Although this is not an RP group, I don't discourage it. But because I also don't enforce RP, don't be surprised if no one plays along with you. RPing by yourself probably isn't fun at all, but hey, I warned you. (Catch me in the right mood though and I may play along, especially if it's about my character's backstory.) Ideally, all. But until a significant following is established, most likely that we will be in US timezones since I live in the US. I hope that I can get a group of nice individuals who would act as leaders in non US timezones. Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/9g2Sxg8 Website TBD Would love help with a website, although, after using Discord for a while, we might just rely on that, the community page, and possibly the forums. I would also like to make a new phoenix graphic. It's so terrible. Please send help.
  21. Hello all I am in the process of building a network of Orgs built to help make a region of space a bit more livable. The first two I've built are the Free Lancers and the Squires, but there will be more to come. The Free Lancers are a mercenary organization geared towards the PVP aspects of the game, but are not just soldiers of fortune. Free Lancers will independently pursue contracts in Defense, Law Enforcement, and War, and will do so in accordance with territorial law (within reason). Working together with orgs like the Terran Union, the Free Lancers will help keep outer colonies safe for a profit and will be a great home for anyone who wants to get in on some space battles without mindlessly griefing or piracy. As the allied orgs tied to the Free Lancers continue to grow, there may be entire colonies affiliated with these organizations, so there will be plenty of opportunities for work that directly assists your neighbors. The Squires will work closely with the Free Lancers, mining and providing refined goods on a monthly basis in-exchange for a DAC. The Free Lancers themselves will have the option to take on Squires to provide the goods needed to keep their ships and bases running. Each Squire can take on one contract per month, for a fairly large quantity of material harvested in a legal way, in exchange for that Squire's monthly subscription. This org is geared towards players that don't want to spend a monthly amount to pay the game, and don't mind putting in a few hours to cover it. These contracts will be negotiated in a way that it will be a better deal for the Squire than trying to sell their ore for in-game currency and work the market for a DAC, and far less hassle. In the future, allied orgs such as the Terran Union may even opt to take on Squires if there is enough demand. Since this contract structure is designed to cover the subscription for these players, they cannot take on more than one of these contracts per 30 days. I plan to develop an organization for Research & Development, another for Colonization, and eventually a New Player Recruitment and Training organization that will effectively serve as a charity, creating "tutorial" contracts for new players to help teach them the ropes, get them enough items to become stable, and funnel them into the Squires, Colonization, Freelancers, or an allied org depending on their play style. (and yes, I'll be re-working the logos)
  22. The Mothership is a gaming community originating in the Homeworld Universe (Homeworld, Homeworld 2, Deserts of Kharak). We currently support Company of Heroes (1&2), WarThunder, Elite: Dangerous and a selection of other titles. As you can see we play a lot of sci-fi, flight and strategy games. That is basically what this game is about and I am very excited for its release. We are supported on Teamspeak3, and host our own website via Clansweb. In the game world we will try to establish our organization in a star-system and probably first focus on building our own mothership. So the focus is on building our first large cap ship. You can find us on our website or join our teamspeak: theMothership.ts3.cloud Website http://the-mothership.clansweb.com/welcome-to-the-mothership Organization https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/the-mothership
  23. Shadow Corporation: Overview: Welcome Shadow Corporation. We are private contractor company that provides quality service that is fast, reliable, and trustworthy. Our goal is to fulfill a custom's expectations, needs, and wants while still providing service as cheap as possible. Additionally, the corporation has its own product line of ships, and building designs and offers a variety of training. If you wish to learn more then read on and if you have any questions or are interested in joining then please contact me. Details: Colors: Black and Red Language: English Communication: Discord (Others may open up in the future) Services: What kind of contracts will we accept? The answer to that is practically anything. You require a ship build? We have that covered. Need a mining operation set up? We can do that. Maybe its something a little more sensitive, like spying on someone or tracking down a person of interest. We can most defiantly handle that. If you need it done than we most likely can get it done. Now you might be asking, why would I chose Shadow Corporation when I can just do it myself? Well that's easy, we are here to save you both time, and money while providing a service that is top of the line. Instead of doing it yourself and having to spend your precious time doing something why not just have us do it and then you have more time to do other things. Thus meaning double the productivity. But why Shadow Corporation and not the competition? First off, we are not going to rip you off. Gaining boat loads of money is not the goal. The goal is to provide you with the best price possible and to give options, like providing materials in order to further reduce cost on your side. Secondly, Shadow Corporation will ensure that all your expectations, and desires are meet or are above and beyond. We will ensure detail in everything and will inspect all work done before presenting it to the customer. if we miss something then we will fix it at no additional cost. We strive to provide the best customer service and products around. Product Line: We possess a small product line of ship, buildings, and training Ships: Our mass produced ships are primarily fighter class. Ranging form light, and highly maneuverable, to heavier, and overwhelming firepower. If we don't have what your looking for then we will happily custom build one for you. Buildings: Our building designs range from small houses, to large sky scrapers, to production plants. This product line is present so that we can quickly and easily proved services when the customer doesn't want something unique but purely something that works. These designs help us reduce prices because we have ensured that we only include the necessities while keeping it looking nice. Additionally, we know exactly what materials we require, how much man power we need, and how much time it will take to complete. Thus allowing us to accurately tell the customer what to expect. Training: We provide a variety of trainings. From a beginner class to help teach new players the basics. To more advanced classes, like learning how to program basic AI or learning how to best fly a fighter in a dog fight to gain the best odds of survival. If we happen to not offer training in something that you are interested then let us know and we will happily find someone for you that can tutor you. Security: Many customers might be concerned about the security of both their products and contracts. We understand that many customers expect secretiveness so do not fear. We provide on-site-security, ensure contract information is kept secret, and keep things on a need to know basis. On-site-security: Shadow Corporation provides minimal security, free of charge, on all building projects. This is to both protect the project and the employees working. Additionally, if a customer feels that they want more security then that is an option provided. Additionally, depending on the project, we can build items off world and transport it in order to provide both additionally security and secretiveness about the recipient. Contracts: All of our contracts are between the customer and company. We make sure that all information is kept secret in order to protect both the customer and the company form threats. Need to know: All employees are on a need to know basis regarding any business. This is to both continue to prevent information form spreading and to protect the customer. Plans for the Future: There are three phases planed for Shadow Corporation. Each phase is based off how many employees the company possess and allows for additionally expansion. These are subject to change/modification. Phase One: This phase is the begging state of Shadow Corporation. The minimum of the corporation will be an HQ, some outposts, and a small team. Phase one will end when there are enough employees and contracts to need expansion. Phase Two: This phase is a middle phase and will most likely be the longest phase. This phase will be a time when Shadow Corporation will grow quite a bit and hopefully have good standings with many customers. This phase will be one of growth and refinement. Phase Three: This phase is the ultimate phase. This is when Shadow Corporation reaches a point where it almost runs itself. There are plenty of employees, contacts, customers, and outposts to properly support everything. Joining: If you are interested in joining Shadow Corporation then you have two options: Member or Employee. Member: If you choose to join as a member then it means that you can not join other organizations (This helps to ensure trustworthiness). Members will be the core of the company and will help keep everything running. Additionally, because they are the core this means they will be the candidates for higher jobs. Employee: As an employee, you are welcome to be apart of other organizations. However this primarily means you will not have as high of a job. Do not take that in a bad way though as there will be more than enough job options that will fit you just fine. It just means that if your wanting to be a top guy then you wont be able to. If you are wanting to join then message me and we can talk. Thank You: Thank you for taking the time to read through this description and overview of Shadow Corporation. If you have any questions, or wish to discuss anything then please message me. With eyes on the future, -Shadow
  24. Hey gotta say this game looks really promising. I don't sign up or do anything this early for games (not even TOR which I was like a kid waiting for Christmas) however this game can be a game changer haha. I've played many MMO's ranging from p2p to f2p and even p2w. I would say TOR and EVE have been my favs and ones that kept my interest long enough to play for more than a few months. Still have a sub with Eve but DU looks to maybe be the one to pull me away from it. Still lots of time before release, 1st quarter 2017 it the planned point of Alpha release , but I have to say from the XP youtube vids seeing what has been created so far it looks to be the dream game many of us have been wishing for. Most things have not even been implemented into the game so many pit falls may not have been realized yet but compared to many early release games DU looks to already surpassed shortcomings of others. SOOOooooooooooooo ... Dual Universe ... Warfare and Economic aspects ... Yin (Ying) and Yang ... name seemed appropriate. Bad and Good, Destroyer and Creator, Demon and Angel ... this is what I am about and what I see the organization being about. In general for games I love being economically superior in order to support my military superiority. Same with the organization. Looking for same minded individuals who like to create in order to destroy (destroy others of course ) . I value organized individuality; you do what you want to do but have friends for support/groups/big projects. In a universe that looks to be this free and open, I see this organization not limiting the individual's freedom but does ask for loyalty. If someone threatens our freedom then we turn the switch on; creators enjoying life to destroyers spreading wrath ... welcome to the Yin Yang Federation.
  25. Hello and good day fellow DU Pioneer With this topic i'd like to introduce the Society Observing Universal Life. A less complicated connection for people who want to focus more on gameplay and not administrating some corporation, organization, or any sort of order with rank and privileges. Instead of privileges and authority which many others have, you will be pleased by being free from such burdens. Soul will not be an anarchy, hierarchy, monrachy nor any capitalism, theocracy or anything like that. If you need anything to compare it could be called anarchy or more likely equalism. Yes there will be members who do some chores for SOUL but that is all voluntary and all are free to do so as well or never engage in chores. Only two easy rules: 1. Treat members as equals and remain neutral to the Universe, you are free to do what you do on your own responsibility. 2. Attend the meetings which are neither regular, nor are only announced by officials. Every member will have authority to call for meetings. (Will be further explained for members) There is no requirement for joining, but since some roleplayers tend to do funny things ill elaborate a few details: a.) In case you are part of a rival faction of another members faction, it is in your own interest to treat each other equally and not as enemys unless you are in a battlefield fighting for your faction. Meaning if you do fight eachother, it will not be as members of SOUL. So when you two are alone and not on orders by your other factions superior, its rational to treat eachother as SOUL members. b.) Should your intention for joining be the gathering of information (spying, eavesdropping, etc.) you are free to do so, as a neutral and free group it may also be possible that members will be trying to help or sabotage your activity. Meaning that we do not care about spys in our midst. Since DU is still in progress and undergoing changes, so is it possible that SOUL will change.
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