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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by Peregrin

  1. Several events recording and diffusion initiatives have been sprouting up lately: I'll be following and participating with great interest. This consequently made me put aside my own ideas of setting up a similar network for now: best to leave it to the more able; it also reminded me that D.U. Sleepers is only a temporary project: after all, once we awake to the Dual Universe, we will not be sleeping anymore... ... And then, anything might happen.
  2. Though I do not plan to join any organization for now, the recording of history cannot (well... should not) be subjected to any competition: everything I wrote in my modest efforts at note-taking is available to use by anyone. I only ask for people to correct my mistakes or lacks of information should they find some while using my writings.
  3. Someone's been playing with our hearts by maintaining a status-quo between our two community award leaders. I understand it is customary to suspect Cybrex's alternate identities whenever such socially-challenging issues arise over here ? D.U. Sleepers is still going, please come and see how from time to time.
  4. Greetings Mr. Star Wars, I'd like to run a small highlight on your organization on the Dual Universe Sleepers website; I just PMailed you the raw text, please feel free to check and let me know if you require any correction or information complement before publishing.
  5. The swing of things is going slow but we nevertheless have things to do: CinSyn will soon close the polls on their creativity contest and we have a couple weeks left before Novawrimo community award is due... ... and after more than 15 days, we still have a tie ! Let's get this sorted out for good, shall we ? I suggest a flint pistol duel at dawn.
  6. D.U.'s crowdfunding has gone over the 600k € mark. The Construct vs Construct stretch goal is getting near... Novawrimo community poll for best novel is still pending, let's keep the votes coming, as we wait for the official jury's implacable judgement. (No, not really, I'm sure they love us all.)
  7. Did I say the fan fictions were "our only clay" ? Nonsense. Novawrimo's jury deliberation is due January but for the sake of the community award, I urge each and everyone of us to go read all of it. Some of those ? They are good.
  8. Here is my participation to the fanfiction contest. Thanks again to NQ and Yama for giving us the opportunity, not only to compete and win prizes, but also to kick-start (and crash-test) the player-made lore in a coherent fashion. Novawrimo The Sleeper.pdf
  9. The Long Road is hitting us hard, but this is not a surprise. Patience is the key. Novawrimo is due soon, just don't... forget. Go write, go read. We need it to build our world: these dreams are the only clay we have on our hands for now.
  10. It's been a slow week with few topics, my attention being focused on my attempt at the Novawrimo contest (with low degrees of self-satisfaction, I might say, this still needs some work). Also: signature. How did I miss that ?!
  11. Visit www.dusleepers.fr for topics and logs about Dual Universe

  12. Just a reminder: Sleepers are not newsmen, they're chroniclers; they do not announce, they record. Dual Universe is getting more exposition every day ! Remember fan fiction contest will fuel the community lore, please keep the texts coming. Also keep checking the Sleepers website from time to time for new topics, logs and records.
  13. A full translated transcript of the whole conference is far beyond my scope, but to complement Lethys' work, here is my take on a summarized form of what JC said at CNES (National Center for Space Studies) on Nov. 22.
  14. Some new Records are up on the Sleepers website. Grab a pen and dive into the Novawrimo Fan Fiction Contest !
  15. The Fan Fiction Contest is due today: now is the time to show that together, Pioneers and NQ can assemble Dual Universe's lore and make those inspiring catchphrases come true !
  16. The Sleepers website is progressively mutating into its originally-intendend shape, from "One-Topic-A-Day" to "Marking Event Logs"; you may not find daily topics anymore, but the daily attention remains and every noted progress in the game's life, both in and out, will be recorded. Format is still a bit iffy, working on that... You are gladfully invited to point any event, recent or old, that you may find missing !
  17. Greetings The Nude Nerd, I'd like to run a small highlight on your organization on the Dual Universe Sleepers website; I just PMailed you the raw text, please feel free to check and let me know if you require any correction or information complement before publishing.
  18. This is "slow days" for everybody, it seems, and Sleepers lie in wait. Time ticks by in the cold chambers as they dream vividly. Though it looks like the ice will thaw a tad on the forum soon, we're back on the weekly heads-up for now.
  19. Organizations' descriptions in the "Records" section of the Sleepers' website are being rewritten to incorporate their respective notable evolutions. Two of them (Hammertime and C.O.P.S.) are labeled as "disbanded", but will remain in the Records, as they exist still in another form or as a piece of the game's history.
  20. As the game's communal activity quiets down from the Kickstarter hype to the slower road to alpha, organizations are still evolving and fleshing out; while some do it very publicly, others remain quite secretive. Find daily Dual Universe topics
  21. Still looking after the main organizations, but the smaller ones will have their moment in the firelight too.
  22. Objective Driveyards is evolving and Dual Universe Sleepers keep an eye on them: today's topic on O.D.Y. was co-written by Code24.
  23. Two months have passed since the first highlights on Dual Universe's main organizations, so Sleepers are having a second round of topics. Some legates even get involved in the writing !
  24. Reminder: everything you find on the Dual Universe Sleepers website is free to use, copy, translate or else. A Sleeper's work is for the benefit of all Pioneers.
  25. As events recorders and note-takers, Sleepers were dubbed "historians" by someone; funnily enough, I had never considered the term, but yes: that's what they aspire to be. Still have a long way to go.
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