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Everything posted by Hirnsausen

  1. /signed And not just stretching, but also shrinking, or skewing. And another tool that allows to FREELY rotate selected copied/pasted voxel areas around all three axes (not just 90° alone but any degree).
  2. If non-round numbers are a problem, all changed would then be applied only after all new measurements are again round numbers, that might be the trick to solve the (interesting) problem you have pointed out. I did not even know such problem exists. Maybe something like a dialog box with three text input fields, that can be saved only if the condition of all round numbers is met again.
  3. "Linked Container L" is the keyword. ? If that container is full, disasselbling stops. Then link to another container, and activate DISASSELBLE again. Repeat until everything is stored.
  4. At the moment, we have Maneuver, Military, Basic, and Freight engine classes. I can envision a new class, the "Racing" class of ewngines. They propel a ship at highest speed and warm up to full thrust in the shortest time, but they also consume the highest amount of fuel. And since we already have races happening in the vast world of DU, this is making even a lot of sense.
  5. Give even more creativity to us players! The shape of containers and engines can often be - especially for us designers - a real burden and limit if it comes to the creative process of designing one of those ships that make DU so different from any other SciFi game. Please give us tools to fully design the shape of engines and containers! For engines, that would be giving the more or less length, height, width, straight or curved walls, and free amount of the glowing thrust outlets, free positioning of those outlets, free shape (round, oval, square, rectangle), border or no border around those outlets, and free glowing color (if the player adds thrust outlets). Their performance equals that standard engine that they equal or exceed in volume. Those custom engines still have plenty details (greebles) that the player can add, to make their outside similar to those standard engines. Colors or textures can be chosen, even uploaded user images can be used for some or all regions. In case of straight-walled engine designs, even the angle of walls can be changed, instead of obligatory 90°. Same shaping possibilkities for containers: longer/shorter, wider/narrower, taller/lower. Straight walls or curved. The volume of that customized container defines to which of the standard containers the attributes will equal. Surface parts and honeycombs would be used to build those custom shapes. Maybe those custom engine designs can be saved. And maybe the FreeForm can be expanded to hovers and other elements as well.
  6. Like in real life, reading the right books makes you smarter. So, why not to make shelf usable by being able to pick a book of choice, and reading it while logged in does actually speed up the learning of a specific talent. Different books benefit different talents. A book cannot be read while being offgame. To read a book, it needs to be equipped, and the player needs to sit in a non-functional type of seat. Reading could take 30 minutes or so, but has a benefit that compensates for that time expense. OPTIONAL The shelf is connected to some sort of library service: each time the ship touches ground, all books are exchanged, randomly. So the player never knows what books (s)he has in his shelf/shelves. As there are many talents, so there are man books,
  7. Contet: Well, planet with atmosphere, or inside base with atmosphere, or inside ship. A farm ship, or a luxury ship that could be maybe. Or a houseboat in space. Plants are beautiful. Feriniya: Russian? Well, take it easy - nobody is perfect. ? I would love to see your ships. Any VR? I, too, conceptionalize and build ships, more the exotic ones. Don't like the standard designs. A number of them on DU Creators (website).
  8. There are games, that are more demanding, like Ark Survival Evolved. A ral PC resourve eater. But, yes, you are right, optimization of what eists already fiirst, before adding major new things. On the other side, nothign wrong to have wishes and trying to lobby for them to come true. ? Are you a ship builder, Feriniya? What is your most liked activity in the game?
  9. It should be possible to apply a "weathering" effect to our structures for those who wish it. Please see the example image of a spaceship, where some paint gave off and the metal below has become visible.
  10. When flyinf ships, that malfucntion that opens and closes doorsor forcefields wildly and brings up those red error messages as seen in the screenshot below during flight should be removed.
  11. NQ, please hurry with this one. And please check out this suggestion: "Upcoming Transparent Glass Voxels: Features ".
  12. NQ, please hurry on this one. And also check out this suggestion: "Merge Luminescent White Glass with the Upcoming Transparent Glass Honeycomb "
  13. NQ, please hurry on this one. And also check out this suggestion: "Luminescent Glass Voxel: Feature Request"
  14. It would be so incredibly useful and boost all the players' creativity, if we could rotate selected (copied) voxels not just by 90° along the three axes, but FREELY. The angle numbers (values) should be displayed while rotating, so the action can be repeated identically by the player.
  15. Since we got a shower, let there be water! Just to make it more real.
  16. Okay, fair enough. We can let stand your thoughts here, and see if anythign in the one or other direction will happen in DU. Thanks for your feedback, always welcome.
  17. It happens not so rarely that you fly a ship, then suddenly the game crashes on you or the Internet connection is gone. While you wait for re-login or seconds after, the ship collides with the ground or some obstacle and takes significantly damage. I am opting for a system where the game client allows for ship damage only then, when it is in PVP without pilot (disconnected) or the pilot is not disconnected, or the pilot is back in control for longer than 1 minute. If anyone has an addition or suggestion to make, please go ahead.
  18. But look, in real life we got things, too, like dirt and jokes and all that. In real life, no one would even seriously think about forbidding jokes or forbidding to get dirty. Those are normal, day-by-day things that we all are used to. This is what makes life. So, why not to have those aspects in our game, too. It is not that we would make the same joke 20x to someone. Thhere will always new people. Always new situations. Nobody will force you to make 20x the same joke, trust me. But this game should be more than just PVP and mining, building. Social features wanted. But tell me, what things would you want to add to this game? Or do you prefer to keep it the way it is?
  19. Plants don't move, so they are easier to manage for the server. I believe, animals are harder to create and cost much more processor time and RAM for the NQ server. They might not add animals so soon, I think. Despite that it would be nice. I would - for now - concentrate on plants. Also hoping that they work on the atmospher so each planet can be as realistic as seen in the game "Ark Survival Evolved". Their sky is amazing, as their sunsets are.
  20. Changing color, yes. Or even better, use uploaded textures.
  21. Thanks for the clarification. Appreciated. Yes, to be honest, I would not mind a it of role-playing. I want to make dirty jokes about my friends if they look dirty, that will add to the fun of the game. Many other player think the same. But there are also those dead-serious players who cannot participate in this extra fun. Understandable. But a good game should cater to many different tastes, to make it richer.
  22. I would want that user-uploaded images can be used for various surfaces of an element, may it be an engine, a seat, or a carpet, whatever.
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